遗传的物质基础技术 培训.ppt

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5’(TxGy)n 3’(AxCy)n 其中X、Y一般为1-4,单细胞真核生物中n常为20-100,高等真核生物中1500。 染色体末端的线性重复序列不能被DNA polymerase 所准确复制,它们一般在DNA复制完成以后由telomarase合成后加到染色体末端,称为端粒。 Alu(家族DNA)(长约300bp)是人类高度重复序列,因为该序列中带有Alu的识别序列而得名。 数十万个Alu重复序列散布于整个人类基因组中, 达到总序列的1-3%。 Alu与其它高度重复序列共占人类DNA的10%以上。 Nucleosome : Subunit of chromatin composed of a short length of DNA wrapped around a core of histone proteins. The human genome contains about 3 billion nucleotide pairs organized as 23 chromosomes pairs . If uncoiled, the DNA contained by each of those chromosomes would measure between 1.7 and 8.5 cm long. This is too long to fit into a cell. Moreover, if chromosomes were composed of extended DNA, it is difficult to imagine how the DNA could be replicated and segregated into two daughter cells without breaking down. Chromatin: Chromosomal DNA is packaged into a compact structure with the help of specialized proteins called histones . The complex DNA plus histones in eucaryotic cells is called chromatin . The fundamental packing unit is known as a nucleosome. Each nucleosome is about 11nm in diameter. The DNA double helix wraps around a central core of eight histone protein molecules (an octamer) to form a single nucleosome. A second histone (H1 in the illustration) fastens the DNA to the nucleosome core. The total mass of this complex is about 100,000 daltons. Nucleosomes are usually packed together, with the aid of a histone (H1,) to form a 30nm large fiber. As a 30nm fiber, the typical human chromosome would be about 0.1cm in length and would span the nucleus 100 times. This suggests higher orders of packaging, to give a chromosome the compact structure seen in a typical karyotype (metaphase) cell. 染色质(chromatin) 和核小体(nucleosome) 串珠模型 DNA+组蛋白 核小体 螺旋体(30nm fiber) 超螺旋体(300nm loop) 染色体 (人类总DNA长度=180cm) 140bp, 八聚体, 1.75, 缩短7倍 螺旋化,缩短6倍 进一步螺旋化,缩短40倍 盘绕.缩短4倍 串珠模型 非组蛋白在稳定高级结构起作用,可能是骨架蛋白,30nm的基质 三、 DNA的组成与结构 Avery在1944年的研究报告中写道:“当溶液中酒精的体积达到9/10时,有纤维状物质析出。如稍加搅拌,它就会象棉线在线轴上一样绕在硬棒上,溶液中的其它成份则呈颗粒


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