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Diploma in Hospital Management Programme 医院管理文凭课程 2008 CEIBS Executive Education: Top 50 for Five Consecutive YearsFinancial Times 中欧高层经理培训:连续五年 《金融时报》世界50强 Letter from the Programme Director Since 1980, China’s strong economic growth has enabled its citizens to enjoy an unprecedented level of standard of living and wealth. Consequently, diverging need for heath care services have also emerged in China. At this critical juncture of health reform, and in response to these emerging needs, the top decision makers of the hospitals need to contemplate the challenges of how to harvest these opportunities, adjust business strategies in a timely way, and manage the hospitals more effectively. The DIHMP (Diploma in Hospital Management Programme) builds upon CEIBS Executive Education courses’ established strength and offers a rigorous modular programme covering the different areas of management and their application in health care institutions in China. The course presents hospital management from the perspective of a President or General Manager; it reviews the major management disciplines, such as accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, operations, risk management, etc., and links them with integrative modules on business strategy, change management, and project management. The programme includes 10 three-day modules taught over the span of 18 months. The programme features some CEIBS permanent faculty and specially selected visiting professors from world-leading institutions of health management education. A guest from governmental or consulting organisations presenting the most updated views on the evolving Chinese health care reform panorama complements each m


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