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职业教育行业英语立体化系列教材 ——财经英语教师用书 高等教育出版社 《财经英语》练习答案及参考译文 Unit 1 Task 1 1. E a 2. B e 3. F c 4. G h 5. C b 6. A g 7. H f 8. D d Task 2 1. Their main function is to handle the financial assets of households and firms in our society. 2. The best we can do is to place a subjective value on the probability of certain events occurring. Task 3 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T Task 4 1. f 2. c 3. g 4. h 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. e Task 5 1. commercial banks, mutual savings banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, life insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds, finance companies and governmental credit agencies, etc. 1 $ English for Finance 2. that occurs when firms and households place funds in financial institutions (banks, savings and loans, etc.) 3. we cannot precisely predict future events 4. the phenomenon of the “law of large numbers” 5. (1) lenders; (2) borrowers Task 6 1. deposited 2. acquired 3. claim 4. risky 5. convert into 6. in turn 7. a variety of 8. applied to 9. facilitate 10. allow for Task 7 1. It’s apparent that 2. some of which are 3. Because of their larger relative size compared to households 4. With the aid of financial intermediaries 5. known with certainty; there would be little cause 6. Given the knowledge of the “law of large numbers” Task 8 Paragraph 1 如果我们用现金来购买一种支付利息的资产,如某种政府债券或


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