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十招教你正确跟情绪化的主管打交道?难度:适中?作者:yxflying编译?来源:Forbes??评论:5?十招跟情绪化的主管打交道Does your boss experience mood swings on a regular basis? Does he or she suddenly become?irritable, negative, or isolated for no apparent reason? This isn’t uncommon, especially in a demanding, high-stress environment—but moody bosses can be extremely difficult to work with.你的老板是不是经常情绪上有波动?他或她是不是在没有明显原因的情况下会突然变得烦躁、消极或孤立?这很常见,尤其是在苛刻、高压的环境中——但是和喜怒无常的老板很难在一起工作。Here are 10 tips for managing a moody boss:下面的这10个用来对付坏脾气老板的小贴士:观察模式Watch for patterns.观察模式Since spiking your boss’s coffee with mood-alteringpharmaceuticals?is not an option, watch for patterns, such as timing and triggers; see the storm coming; and avoid over-reacting yourself.既然不能在老板的咖啡里加入改变情绪的药品,那么你可以观察模式,例如老板发脾气的时间和引发因素;预料暴风雨的来临;避免自己过度反应。If you’re having difficulty determining his or her pattern, open a line of communication between yourself and your boss’s administrative assistant (if they have one). The person closest to your boss will have the best reading of the currenttemperature—and the long-term forecast. Offer to help out your boss’s assistant whenever you can, to show sincere gratitude for the tip-offs you get.如果你觉得判断他或她的模式很难,那你可以和老板的行政秘书(如果有的话)交流一下。和你老板最近的人能最清楚当前的气氛——并能进行长期的预测。无论何时,只要能帮上忙,就去帮帮老板的秘书,对你得到的小秘密表示诚挚的谢意。减少交互Limit your interactions if their mood is rubbing off on you.如果他们的心情和接触你有关,那就减少交流Many factors associated with moodiness are out of your control and it is very difficult to avoid emotional?contagion. So if you can, temporarily limit your exposure to their mood swings in hopes that this is just a short term issue.与心情相关的很多因素都无法控制,很难避免情感上的传染。所以如果能的话,在他们情绪波动时暂时减少和他们的接触,希望这只是短期的问题。保持冷静Keep your cool.保持冷静If you can’t avoid the boss, whatever you do, don’t inadvertently?mimic?this management style to other staff members, Taylor says. When your boss’s mood?pendulumswings to the negative, be a sea of calm. Remind yourself that he’ll come back to center eventually. Show a relaxed, in-controldemeanor?yourself. Lighten things through



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