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By 黄盈佳 邱子华 聂小媚 王梓安 We will concentrate on this 4 points: Need knowledge Time Skill Need Concentrate on the target, and maintain a firm belief Distinguish between primary and secondary objectives(must/want) Set the bottom line knowledge Predict the situation and the motives and actions of the other side avoid some “wonderful surprises ”and falling into a kind of passive state assess his strength Confirm his goals Analyze his weaknesses Find common ground : win-win Time seize the opportunity Clear your own time limits know his time urgency Pretend to have a lot of time skill 1.Seating arrangements: Sit beside someone who can give you advance privately and immediately; Sit at the opposite to their main negotiators; Do not sit in the seat of direct sunlight. 2. Speaking skills Do not use too many long sentences Use the language of the opponent Talk on his level of understanding Check his comprehension to what you said If you must said no , use this: I agree…but… Dan Smith是一位美国的健身用品经销商,此次是Robert Liu第一回与他交手。就在短短几分钟的交谈中,Robert Liu既感到这位大汉粗犷的外表,藏有狡兔的心思――他肯定是沙场老将,自己绝不可掉以轻心。双方第一回过招如下: get the ball rolling(开始) Shoot(洗耳恭听) volume sales(大笔交易) Robert回公司呈报Dan的提案后,老板很满意对方的采购计划;但在折扣方面则希望Robert能继续维持强硬的态度,尽量探出对方的底线。就在这七上七八的价格翘翘板上,双方是否能找到彼此地平衡点呢? take a cut(降低) common ground(共同信念) structured deal(阶段式和约) Dan上回提议前半年给他们二成折扣,后半年再降为一成半,经Robert推翻后,Dan再三表示让步有限。您知道Robert在这折扣缝隙中游走,如何才能摸出双方都同意的数字呢?他从锦囊里又掏出什么妙计了呢? hammer something out (敲定) iron out(解决) Prosperous(繁荣的,兴旺的)


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