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I期 检验药物的安全性,确定一个合适的安全剂量范围和发现不良反应 。 II期 初步判断药物或治疗手段是否有效,进一步观察药物的安全性 。 III期 在较大的范围内进一步评价药物的疗效、安全性和不良反应,同时收集相关信息,为药政部门批准新药正式生产提供依据 。 IV期 一般在药物投入市场后,监测和收集药物的疗效、适应症和不良反应等信息 。 临床试 验的分期 肿瘤流行病学研究方法的应用 证据强度 低 高 小 结 肿瘤流行病学的最终目标是通过探究和证实诱发肿瘤的病因和危险因素,筛选高危人群,对其进行早期有效的干预,预防肿瘤的发生。 了解肿瘤流行病学中的基本概念 了解中国恶性肿瘤的分布和流行趋势 了解肿瘤流行病学的常用研究方法及适用范围 阅读了解肿瘤流行病学研究结果的真实性 吉大一院临床流行病学研究中心 谢 谢! In 1620, Thomas Venner of London warned against smoking [7] (Fig. 1). In his book, he wrote that immoderate use of tobacco hurts the brain and the sight, diminishes digestion, and induces trembling of the limbs and the heart. He advised that tobacco should be limited to medicinal use and should not be consumed for pleasure. Cancer[edit source?| ] In 1713, Bernardino Ramazzini said that nuns developed breast cancer at a higher rate than married women because they did not engage in sexual intercourse, and the unnatural lack of sexual activity caused instability of the breast tissues that sometimes developed into breast cancer.[5] It wasn‘t until 1911, when Isaac Adler wrote Primary Malignant Growths of the Lungs and Bronchi and presented nearly 400 case reports of definite or suspected primary lung cancer, that some indication of the true frequency of the disease was documented. He attempted not only to prove that the tumor was much more common than was believed, but also to show why it was thought to be so rare. Dr. Adler stressed the need for a new understanding of the nature of lung cancer, especially by the general practitioner. His book was the first major medical text to deal completely and practically with the history, etiology, pathology, and clinical aspects of primary lung cancer. 预计未来20年新发病例数增加70%。 * * * * 肿瘤流行病学 Epidemiology of Cancer 吉林大学第一医院临床流行病学研究中心 第一部分 概述和发展史 第二部分 肿瘤的流行特征及趋势 第三部分 肿瘤流行病学的研究方法 肿 瘤 流 行 病 学 流行病学(epidemiology): 研究人群疾病和健康的分布,探索影响分布的因素, 并在此基础上制定预防策略、措施的一门学科。 学 科 定 位 流行病学与各学科之间的关系 流行病学 生物统计学 临床医学(肿瘤学) 肿瘤流行病学 公共卫生 + 生理学 循证医学 分子生物学 遗传学 其它学科 将流行病学的基础理论和方法不断应用于肿瘤研究,在此基础上形成的