牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit 2《What is happiness to you》重点词汇讲解.docVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit 2《What is happiness to you》重点词汇讲解.doc

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牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit 2《What is happiness to you》重点词汇讲解

U2 重点词汇讲解 1. injure 比较wound, injure 和 hurt wound和injure均可指对身体的伤害。 但wound侧重利器或子弹对肉体的伤害,是故意的行为,常与战争有关; 而injure强调人在意外事故中受伤,如机器造成的或运动中受伤。 hurt既可以是重伤,也可以是轻伤。同时也可以是伤害感情。 1) She was _____ because she was not invited to the party. (hurt) 2) He couldn’t come to work because he was knocked down by a bike and _____ his feet. (injured) 3) In that battle two of our soldiers were killed and five were ________. (wounded) 2. apart adj/ adv. (1) 相距 The two buildings are 100 meters apart. (2) 成碎片 The cup fell apart in my hand. (3) 分开,分离 You never see them apart these days. apart from 远离;除……外; 1) Apart from a house in Nanjing, they also have one in Beijing. (=besides) 2) Apart from a few words, I don’t know any French at all. (=Except for) 3. junior (年少的,初级的) junior middle school 初中 1) He is junior to me. 他的职位比我低。 2) He is three years my junior. 他比我小3岁 4. in difficult times times 时代;时势 in ancient times _______________________ in the times of Henry III _____________________________ the actors of the times _______________________________ Times ______ (have) changed. 5. dedicate (1) dedicate sth. to (doing) sth. 1) Andy wants to dedicate more time to his hobbies. 安迪想把更多的时间花在自己的爱好上。 2) This woman has dedicated her whole life to helping others. 这个女士一生致力于帮助别人。 (2) dedicate oneself to sth. 把自己献身于…… 3) He dedicated himself to academic work. 他献身于学术工作。 (3) dedicate sth. to sb. 题词把……献给某人 4) Lynne has dedicated the novel to her friend Norma. 琳恩把小说献给了她的朋友诺玛 6. cost 1) 花费某人……(钱/时间/精力/劳动) The book cost me 5 yuan. 这本书花了我5块钱。 2) 使某人付出……代价 His carelessness cost him his life. 他的粗心让他失去了生命。 常用搭配: 1)cost sth. to do sth. How much does it cost to hire a bike? 租一辆车多少钱? 2)cost sb. dearly: cause a serious loss We made two mistakes that cost us dearly. 我们犯了两个错误,付出了巨大的代价。 3)at the cost of … 以……为代价 He saved the boy from the fire at the cost of his life. 他以生命为代价,从大火中救出了那个男孩。 7. be rushed to somewhere. rush sb. to/ into/ off … : to take or send someone or s



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