医学英语疾病介绍说明——Breast Cancer(乳腺癌)课件.ppt

医学英语疾病介绍说明——Breast Cancer(乳腺癌)课件.ppt

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医学英语疾病介绍说明——Breast Cancer(乳腺癌)课件.ppt

; “粉红丝带”作为全球乳腺癌防治活动的公认标识,用于宣传“及早预防,及早发现,及早治疗”这一信息,足迹遍布全球数十个国家。 各国政府亦将每年的10月定为“乳腺癌防治月”。 粉红丝带是一场关爱乳房的运动,更是人们对健康和美丽的一种追求,她已经成为了一种爱心和时尚,她正在世界各地迅速升温,越来越多的媒体、政要、名人、明星正在参与进来,我们已经进入了一个全新的“粉红时代”。;Breast Cancer Today 概述 Causes And Risk Factors 病因学 Breast Anatomy 解剖学结构 Pathological Changes 病理改变 Metastasis 转移 Symptoms 症状 Signs And Tests 诊断 Staging 分期 Treatment 治疗 Expectations 预后 Prevention 预防 Summary 综述;Breast Cancer Today — In America;Breast Cancer Today — In China;Hormonal influence(激素影响): Long duration of reproductive([?ripr??d?kt?v]) life(育龄的长时间持续) Nulliparity([,n?li‘p?r?ti]未产妇) Late age at first child(老龄生育) Functioning ovarian([???ve?ri:?n]) tumor(卵巢肿瘤影响) Fibrocystic([,fa?bro‘s?st?k]) disease(乳腺纤维囊性病) Radiation exposure(射线照射) Obesity(肥胖) Genetic predisposition([pri?d?sp?‘z??n])(遗传倾向) Virus(病毒) ;The most obvious risk factor for breast cancer is being a woman. Men get the disease, too, but it is about 100 times more common in women. Other top risk factors include being over age 55 or having a close relative(有亲缘关系) who has had the disease. But keep in mind that up to 80% of women with breast cancer have no family history of the illness (80%的乳腺癌患者 并无家族病史). ;Breast Anatomy; outer upper quadrant (外上四分之一区域) 50%;Breast cancer is a cancer that starts in the tissues of the breast. There are two main types of breast cancer(乳腺癌有两种主要类型): Ductal carcinoma(导管癌) starts in the tubes (ducts) that move milk from the breast to the nipple(从乳房向乳头运输乳汁的导管). Most breast cancers are of this type(大多数乳腺癌隶属此种类型). Lobular([lɑbj?l?]) carcinoma(??叶癌) starts in the parts of the breast, called lobules([l?bju?l]), that produce milk(产生乳汁的小叶). ;Breast cancer may be invasive([?n‘ves?v],侵袭性的)(临床常见约占70%) or noninvasive.


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