【精品课件一】Unit 13 Period 1 课件N.ppt

【精品课件一】Unit 13 Period 1 课件N.ppt

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【精品课件一】Unit 13 Period 1 课件N

* 1a Here are words related to different kinds of pollution . Write them in the box below . Then add more words . loud music littering building houses cars cars ships mobile phones rubbish factories factories planes smoking 1b Listen and complete the sentences . dirty rubbish fish litter waste government close down clean up 1c Role-play the conversation .Then make your own conversations about the kinds of pollution in 1a . Mark: The river was dirty. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish. Tony: But it used to be so clean! Mark: Yes, but people are littering in the river. Tony: Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up! 2a Listen to the interview . Circle the kinds of pollution that Jason and Susan talk about . land pollution B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollution land pollution air pollution noise pollution water pollution land pollution B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollution 2b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1.The air is badly polluted because there are ____________on the road these days. 2. Factories that burn coal also _________ the air with a lot of black smoke. 3. There is also too much rubbish and waste. People __________ things away every day. 4. People are also littering in _____________ like parks. This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones. more cars pollute are throwing away public places 2c Use the information in 2a and 2b to role-play conversations between Jason and Susan. Jason: The air has become really polluted around here. I’m really getting worried. Susan: Yes, I used to be able to see stars in the sky. Jason: The problem is that ... 2d Role-play the conversation. Interviewer: Jason and Susan, what are your ideas for solving these problems? Jason: Well, to cut down air pollution, we shou



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