中考话题复习 Topic Revision:You should take good care of yourself课件(PPT26张)!.ppt

中考话题复习 Topic Revision:You should take good care of yourself课件(PPT26张)!.ppt

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中考话题复习 Topic Revision:You should take good care of yourself课件(PPT26张)!

Topic Revision You should take good care of yourself! eat heathy food 七年级上册Unit 6 see a doctor 八年级上册Unit1 do sports 七年级上册 Unint 5 have good living habits 八年级上册 Unit2 ways to keep healthy head nose mouth tooth (teeth) shoulder stomach leg ear neck hand throat back foot (feet) Lets say the parts of our body! eyes finger knee He should go to see a doctor! has a nosebleed ——What’s the matter with him? ——He has a … fever cold stomachache headache sore back sore throat toothache cough illness sore leg others : have a pain in … …. is painful cut finger fall down have a nosebleed get hit on the head accident What’s wrong with them ? hurt ones leg hurt/injure ones knee advice for the sick people : go to the doctor go to the dentist lie down and rest take some medicine drink more water drink some hot tea with honey take temperature don’t stay up late don’t eat junk food Brainstorm : at the doctors asking illness talking about the illness giving advice replying to the advice asking illness 1.What’s the matter(with you)? 2.What’s wrong? 3.What’s your trouble? 5.How are you feeling now? 6.How long have you been like this? 4.Is there anything wrong with you? 生病的 is ill/ is sick/ /something wrong with... 感觉不舒服I feel terrible(bad/) 感觉不舒服I don’t feel well. 食欲不振I don’t feel like eating anything. some kinds of illnesses 胃痛have a stomachache 头疼have a headache 牙疼have a toothache 眼睛疼have sore eyes 喉咙疼have a sore throat 背痛have a sore back 发烧have a fever 咳嗽have a cough 感冒 have a cold 感冒catch a cold 挨打 get hit 划伤了自己 cut myself 弄伤了自己 hurt himself 发生意外事故 have an accident 出鼻血have a nosebleed 有心脏病have a heart problem 表达建议的用语 Let’s do it now. You’d better do it now. You should do it now. You need to do it now. You shouldn’t do it now. Don’t do it now. Please do it now. What/How about doing it now? Why not do it tomorrow? Shall we do it no


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