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論杜甫〈贈花卿〉之選評 王德益* 摘要 杜甫〈贈花卿〉多被後世所推崇,更有被評為杜甫七絕之壓卷。然該詩於歷代 之詮釋、評價情況有所不同。職此,本文擬按歷時性考察〈贈花卿〉之「選」、 「評」,窺探其詩旨之取向、評價之高低。經考察,可發現〈贈花卿〉之入樂性質為 唐人所留意。至遲於南宋,〈贈花卿〉內容方受到關注,且有分歧之見解,或認為乃 杜甫贈歌妓之作,或認定乃杜甫為譏諷花敬定而發,而前者為宋代主流意見。時至元 代,透過范梈 《杜工部詩范德機批選》不錄該詩,可推知歌妓說尚流傳於元代。有趣 的是,諷刺說成為明人詮釋 〈贈花卿〉之主流,扭轉宋代以來的詩旨取向。此外, 〈贈花卿〉在當時被推崇為 杜甫七絕之壓卷,且被大部分明代唐詩選本收錄。清人不 僅沿襲前代杜詩學成果,尚有賦予〈贈花卿〉新的詮釋,惟諷刺說仍為普遍之詮釋, 而歌妓說已成絕響。必須留意的是,雖有時人認為〈贈花卿〉能比肩李白、王昌齡之 典範地位,然考察清代唐詩選本,可發覺乾隆御選《唐宋詩醇》刊布以後,其地位遂 有被〈江南逢李龜年〉取代。 關鍵字:杜甫、贈花卿、唐詩選本、詩評 * 成功大學中國文學系碩士班二年級 1 The selections and reviews of Du Fu’s Zeng Hua Qin. Wong Teck Li Abstract Zeng Hua Qin has been knowing as the masterpiece of Du Fu’s Qijue. However, they are a lot of difference reviews of the poem from Tang to Qing dynasty, and its influence the selections of the poetry anthology. The study of the selections and reviews of Zeng Hua Qin show that the musical features received much concern during Tang dynasty. In Song dynasty, there are two kinds of explanation of Zeng Hua Qin. The majority explanation at that time is Du Fu write it for a female entertainer, and the minority explanation is a satire on Hua Jing Ding. However, the situation is reverse in Ming dynasty, most of the scholar consider the poem is a satirical poem. Besides that, Ming scholar also considers this poem as the best work of Du Fu’s Qijue. Qing dynasty scholar not only inherited the knowledge of Ming scholar but also found their unique opinion. According to the Qing poetry anthology, although scholars still consider the poem is the excellent work of Du Fu, but they prefer Jiang Nan Feng Li Gui Nian to Zeng Hua Qin. Keyword:Du Fu, Zeng Hua Qin, Tang poetry anthology, poem review


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