
The-Moral Psychology Handbook - umbedu推荐.pdf

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The-Moral Psychology Handbook - umbedu推荐

The- Moral Psychology Handbook Jolm M . Doris and the Moral Psychology Research Group Fier) C Shlllatl,jO/ !vI . Doris,jo s/lIIa D . Greene, Gilbert Harman , DOllie! Kell) jo shlla K ,,0be, Edo ard Ma chery, Ron Malloll, K elby Masoll, Viaoria M cGeer, Maria W. M erritt, Shall//. N ichols,jo seph M . Paxtoll, A lexa/,dra Plakias,j esseJ. Prinz , Erica Ro edder, Adilla L. Roskies, Timothy Schroeder, Walter S il1llott-Armslrollg, Chandra Sek/lOr Sripada, St ep/wI St ich, Valerie T iberis, Liane YOIIIIg OXFORD UN TVERSITY PRE SS 13 Rac~ and R acial Cognition DANIEL KELLY . ED OUARD MACHERY . AND R O N MALLON A co re qu esti o n of co mcmporary social moral ity conce rns how we ought to hand le racial ca tego riza ti on. By this we mean , for instance, cl assifyin g o r rhinking o( a perso n as- blnck, K orea/I, u tiI/ o, white, etc. While it is wid ely agreed th at racial ca tegorizatio n playe d a crucial role in past racial oppression, th ere re mai ns disa greement amo ng philoso phers and social th eorists abo ut th e ideaJ role fo r racial catego rizatio n in funlte endeavors. At o ne exocmc of this disagree me nt are shorc- tenn eliminativists w ho wa nt to do away wi th racial categorizati on relatively qui ckly (e.g. Appiah . 1995; D Souza. 1996; Muir. 1993 ; Wasserstro m . 200 1/ 1980; Weber, 1992; Zack . 1993,2002) . typically beca use th ey view it as mistaken and oppressive. At the opposite end of th e spectrum, • lo ng:-tenn conservati onists hold th at ra cial identities and communities are bene£lt?al, ~nd that racial categoriza ti on-suitably refonn ed-is essenti al to fosterin g th em (e.g. O utlaw . 1990. 1995. 1996) . W hil e extrem e fom15 of conse rvati



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