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广东农业科学 2013 年第 5 期 227 农村家庭养老支持力与养老方式 结构方程模型实证研究 1 2 3 区晶莹 张金雁 俞丽华 1.华南农业大学公共管理学院袁广东 广州 510642 曰2.华南农业大学信息学院袁广东 广州 510642 曰 3.华南理工大学 闻与传播学院袁广东 广州 510006 冤 摘要 农村人口老 化的迅速发展使得农村养老压力增大遥 以广州农村家庭养老支持力为研究对象袁建立家庭养老支持力 与养老方式理论模型袁提出家庭养老支持力和养老意愿与养老方式 间关系的研究假设袁并设计调查量表开展实证调研遥 在此基 础上袁进行假设检验和影响因素分析袁为农村养老问题的路径选择提供参考遥 关键词 家庭养老支持力曰养老方式曰结构方程模型 中图分类号 F323.89 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1004-874X 2013 冤05-0227-03 Empirical study on structure equation model of rural old-age family support in Guangzhou 1 2 3 OU J ing-y ing 袁ZHANG J in-yan 袁Y U Li-hua (1.College of Public Manageme nt 袁South China A gricultural Univ ersity 袁G uangzhou 510642袁Chian 曰 2.College of Informatics 袁South China A gric ultural Unive rs ity 袁Guangzhou 510642袁China曰 3. College of Journalism and Communication 袁South China Unive rs ity of Technology 袁Guangz hou 510006 袁China冤 Abstract: The rapid expansion of aging population in rural area has led to the increasing pressure of rural old-age support. In this paper, the rural old-age family support in Guangzhou was taken as the obj ect of study. With the theoretical model of rural old-age family support and its mode, and the hypotheses of the relations between the family support as well as supporting willingness and the elderly supporting mode being built, research scales were designed to carry out an empirical study. On this basis, the hypothe


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