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东农业科学 2015 年第 14 期 175 农民专业合作社营销能力评价分析 ———基于新疆75 家合作社的调查数据 1,2 1 胡宜挺 张 宁 1.石河子大学经济与管理学院袁新疆 石河子 832003 曰 2.石河子大学农业现代化研究中心袁新疆 石河子 832003 冤 要 首先提出了评价农民专业合作社营销能力的指标和方法袁 然后基于新疆 75 家合作社的调研数 据袁对其营销能力进行评价分析遥 结果表明袁尽管合作社数量不断增长袁但销售产品的宣传促销能力较差袁合作 社生产产品的深加工能力及分销能力不强袁产品品牌能力有待进一步提高遥 建议合作社经营过程中应加强农 产品营销理念袁提高农产品附加值袁增强合作社营销能力遥 关键词 农民专业合作社曰 营销能力曰 因子分析 中图分类号 F306.4 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1004-874X 2015冤14-0175-06 Evaluation and analysis of marketing ability of farmers specialized cooperative Based on the survey data of 75 cooperatives in Xinj iang HU Yi-ting1,2 袁 ZHANG Ning1 1. College of Economy and Manage ment袁Shihez i Univ ers ity 袁Shihezi 832003 袁China曰 2. Researc h Ce nte r of A gricultural Mode rnization 袁Shihez i Unive rsity 袁Shihezi 832003 袁China冤 A bstract: This paper firstly proposed the index and method for evaluating the marketing ability of farmers specialized cooperative, and then evaluated the marketing ability of the research data based on 75 cooperatives in Xinji ang.The results showed that atthough the number of cooperatives grew , but product sales promotion ability was poor, products deep processing and distribution ability was not strong, product brand ability needed to be further improved. Therefore, farmers specialized cooperatives should strengthen agricultural marketing ideas to improve the value of agricultural products, enhancing cooperatives, marketing capability. Key words: farmers specialized coop


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