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摘 要 面对竞争激烈而又快速变迁的经营环境,人员招聘的效果与效率已经成为企业成败的关键,完善的招聘流程与健全的招聘体系是获取人才、保持企业生存与发展的有力工具,如何根据企业的具体情况制定出一整套适合企业的招聘体系已成为企业招聘中的难点。一个设计良好的招聘体系直接与组织的战略规划相关联,从而使企业能够在尽可能的时间内以尽可能少的资金成本获取最适合企业的人才,满足企业对人才的需求,提高企业的核心竞争力,促进企业的长远发展。本文运用人力资源和员工招聘的基本理论,分析了蜀能电器公司在招聘工作中存在的诸多问题,研究和分析了蜀能电器公司员工招聘制度、流程及策略,同时运用所学知识对其进行诊断分析,并提出改进方案,进而以此为依据优化设计了蜀能电器公司员工招聘策略方案和员工招聘流程。论文设计的招聘体系,从招募、选拔、录用、评估等四个方面提出具体实施方案,为企业特别是快速发展的制造业企业提高人才招聘有效性提供了理论及实践的借鉴和参考。 关键词:员工招聘,招聘制度,优化设计 ABSTRACT In the face of fierce competition and rapidly changing business environment, the effectiveness and efficiency of recruitment has become a key to business success, recruitment processes and integrity of recruitment system is access to talent, to maintain a powerful tool for business survival and development, and how the enterprise the specific circumstances to work out a set of suitable corporate recruitment system has become a corporate recruitment difficulty. A well-designed recruitment system directly associated with the organizations strategic planning, allowing companies to obtain the most appropriate enterprise personnel, to meet the demand for talent in the time possible with minimal capital costs, improve the enterprises core competitiveness and promote long-term development. In this paper, the basic theory of human resources and staff recruitment, Sichuan Electric Company in the recruitment, research and analysis of Sichuan can Electric Company staff recruitment system, processes and strategies while using the knowledge to be diagnostic analysis, and suggestions for improvement programs, and then to design a program of Sichuan Electric Company staff recruitment strategy and design staff recruitment process is based on optimization. Paper design of the recruitment system, from the four aspects of the recruitment, selection, hiring, evaluation, implementation of the program, especially the rapid development of manufacturing enterprises to improve the effectiveness of the Recruitment provides the theory and practice as refer


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