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Book1Module4Words 学案

Word Study (Module 4,Book I) 1.survey ? V.look carefully at all of (sth/sb), esp from a distance 仔细全面地观察(某物[某人])survey the countryside from the top of a hill 从山顶上眺望郊野 study (and describe) the general condition of (sth) 全面研究(及论述)(某事物): a speech in which she surveyed the international situation ________________________. Of the five hundred householders surveyed, 40% had dishwashers. _______________________________________________________. n . general view, examination or description 全面的观察﹑检查或论述; 审视; 概观; 概论: A quick survey of the street showed that no one was about. a survey of the situation, subject 对情况﹑ 问题的概括论述 a public o`pinion survey 民意调查 bother ? v ~ sb (about/with sth) 打扰或烦扰某人; 给某人添麻烦:? 对不起打扰一下, 请问去车站怎麽走? Dont bother your father (about it) now; hes very tired. _________________________________________________. Hes always bothering me to lend him money. 他老是闹着要我借给他钱.[I, Tt] take the time or trouble (to do sth) (为做某事物)费工夫, 添麻烦: 他甚至连说一声谢谢都不肯. ~ about sb/sth 关心某人[某事物]: Dont bother about us well join you later. 别惦记我们--我们不久就和你们在一起了. cant be bothered (to do sth) 嫌麻烦而不为; 偷懒: The grass needs cutting but I cant be bothered to do it today. 草得剪一剪了, 但我今天却懒得去做. He could produce excellent work but usually he cant be bothered. _______________________________________________________________. n. 麻烦; 不便 Did you have much bother finding the house? 你找到这所房子费劲吗? `Thanks for your help! `It was no bother. ‘谢谢你的帮助!’ ‘没什麽.’ 真抱歉给你添了这麽多的麻烦. a bother 恼人的事物; 讨厌的事物: What a bother! Weve missed the bus. 真恼人! 我们误了公共汽车. bothersome adj 引起麻烦的; 令人厌烦的. approach ? [I, Tn] come near or nearer to (sb/sth) in space or time (在空间或时间上)接近, 靠近(某人[某事物]): The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house. _____________________________________________________________. As you approach the town the first building you see is the church. 接近那座城镇的时候, 首先看到的就是教堂. 我觉得他很难接近(不好谈话). begin to tackle (a task, problem, etc) 着手处理(事务﹑ 难题等): Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the


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