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2010年12月四级核心词汇 instinctive [insti?ktiv] 词性 a. 词义 (出于)本能的, (出于)天性的, (来自)直觉的 搭配 例句 She had an instinctive taste for music. 她性喜音乐。 Climbing is instinctive in monkeys. 猴子攀爬出于本能。 deprive [dipraiv] 词性 vt. 词义 剥夺,从...夺走, 使丧失 搭配 +of 例句 These misfortunes almost deprived him of his reason. 这些不幸的事情几乎使他失去理智。 The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms. 新法律剥夺了许多人的最基本的自由。 odd [?d] 词性 a. 词义 奇特的,古怪的,单只的,不成对的,奇数的,单数的 搭配 例句 Hes an odd old man. 他是个古怪的老头儿。 Its no use keeping this odd stocking. 单只的袜子留着没什么用。 Five and nine are odd numbers. 五和九是奇数。 deficit [defisit] 词性 n. 词义 不足额, 赤字 搭配 a foreign trade deficit 外贸逆差 例句 tarmac [tɑ:m?k] 词性 n. 词义 柏油碎石 搭配 例句 complaint [k?mpleint] 词性 n. 词义 抱怨, 抗议, 怨言,疾病,身体不适 搭配 例句 There is no real reason for complaint. 没有什么可抱怨的理由。 Arthritis is a common complaint among the elderly. 关节炎是老年人的一种常见病。 deterrent [diter?nt] 词性 a. n. 词义 威慑的, 遏制的 威慑力量, 制止物 搭配 例句 multidisciplinary [,m?ltidisiplin?ri] 词性 a. 词义 有关各种学问的 搭配 例句 widow [wid?u] 词性 n. vt. 词义 寡妇 使成寡妇(或鳏夫),使丧偶 搭配 例句 His widowed mother brought him up. 他的寡母把他抚养成人。 peer [pi?] 词性 vi. n. 词义 凝视,盯着,隐约出现 (地位,能力等)同等的人, 同辈,同事,上院议员 搭配 +at/into 例句 She peered at him closely, as if not believing it could really be him. 她仔细地瞧着他,似乎不相信真会是他。 The moon peered out from behind clouds. 月亮从云后隐约出现。 The opinions of his peers are more important to him than his parents ideas. 对他来说,同辈人的意见比他父母的看法更重要。 He is so fine a man that it would be hard to find his peer. 他为人之好简直找不出第二个人。 He has been made a peer. 他已被封为贵族。 compensate [k?mpenseit] 词性 vt. vi. 词义 补偿,赔偿, 酬报 补偿,赔偿, 抵消 搭配 +for +for 例句 We compensate workers for injuries suffered at their work. 我们对工人在工作中受伤给予补偿。 She used her good looks to compensate for her lack of intelligence. 她智力欠佳权以美貌弥补。 spouse [spauz] 词性 n. vt. 词义 配偶 和...结婚 搭配 例句 Jobs are available for spouses on campus and in the community. 校园里和社区里有配偶可做的工作。 disorder [dis?:d?] 词性 n. vt. 词义 混乱,无秩序,骚乱,动乱 使混乱, 扰乱,使紊乱,使失调 搭配 a disorder in lega


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