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How to Raise Junior High School Students Interest in Reading Thesis statement: Reading plays a very important role in English learning, it is also a difficult point in students learning. In oder to help them learn it easier, my paper puts up different ways to raise students interest in reading, at the same time,it discusses factors which influence students comprehend reading materials. 1. To Introduce the Importance of English Reading To Analyse Students’ Problems in English Reading 2.1. To Read Lacking of Autonomy 2 .2 To Choose Improper Materials 2.3. To Lack of Reading Strategy 3. To Recommend Different Reading Processes 3.1 To Know the Bottom-up Reading Process 3.2 To Learn the Top-down Reading Process 3.3 To Master the Interactive Process 3.4 To Familiar the Three-step Process 4. To Illustrate Some Methods to Raise Interest in Reading 4.1 To Prepare Well Before Class 4.2 To Let the Students be in A Language Environment 4.3To Make Students Have Initiative Attitude 4.4.To Make Full Organization is Must 4.5.To Combine Activities With Actual Life 4.6 To Request More Teachers Time 4.7 To Read a Text Through Three Steps 4.8 To Read More Extracurricular Materials 4.9 To Give Creative Homework Assignments Conclusion 6. References How to Raise Junior High School Students Interest in Reading Abstract Junior high school is the start of English learning for most students, it will benefit them more to lay a solid foundation at the begining.In the process of English learning, reading plays a very important position in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Also, reading comprehension is a difficult aspect in English learning. And how to help students raise interest in reading is the first step for English teachers.This paper talks about the importance of reading, the factors that effect reading comprehension, and also collect different methods to help students raise interest in read


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