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专四新闻专题高频词汇 International Relations breakthrough minister ministry deport expel expulsion ouster(驱逐) dismiss Diplomatic diplomacy diplomat Dispute partnership long-term mutual bilateral relations hostilities strategic Retaliate 报复 sanction 制裁 a crackdown on压制 freeze冻结 claim 要求或寻求归为既有 outrage outrageous Embassy ambassador consulate envoy Asylum shelter refuge 庇护 收容所 避难所 Clarification showdown 摊牌 ultimatum 最后通牒 evacuate 疏散 撤回 recognize Israel claim sovereignty over Impose ban bar deter hinder impede 阻止 妨碍 Upgrade sway 动摇影响 the bush administration Controversial controversy curb demonstrator provocation 挑衅 spokesman Negotiation normal relations illegal migrants be at fault for at odds with International Relations Establish diplomatic relations Impose sanctions on lift sanctions Withdraw one’s diplomatic staff Cut diplomatic ties with Have worsened sharply have cooled renounce 声明放弃 add further strain to the already tense relations A relationship of trust and mutual respect with Express gratitude to express regret to International Relations Test-launch of missiles test-fired Retaliate with stronger measures Raise/ lift / remove an embargo on sth Fisherman the fishing boat curb Japanese fishing in the waters summon the ambassador Yasukuni Shrine 靖国神社 Visits and Talks Conclude wrap up 结束 终止 confer with deadlock standoff standstill stalemate impasse 僵局 En route negotiator talks summit news conference session 会议期 issue Joint statement 联合声明 Sign endorse 签署 compromise controversy reach an agreement Meet with 会见 host 做东道主 Visits and Talks Candid 开诚布公的 exchange 交换意见 Ongoing 正在进行中的 underway Accord 协定一致 advocate agenda phase 阶段 constructive positive counterpart boost promote entourage 随行人员 delegation blackmail 勒索 forum 论坛 reservation 保留态度 Reconciliation 和解 unilateral 单方 Visits and Talks A final stop a measure of progress


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