2.11.1-2012.11.2)] 2012 ieee 4th colombian workshop on circuits and systems (cwcas) - design and implementation of a system for travel in form of convoy of mobile platfor..文档.pdf
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2.11.1-2012.11.2)] 2012 ieee 4th colombian workshop on circuits and systems (cwcas) - design and implementation of a system for travel in form of convoy of mobile platfor..文档
Design and implementation of a system for travel
in form of convoy of mobile platforms Lego
Mindstorms NXT 2.0
Christian Anderson Mancipe, Joan Emmanuel Ortiz Velásquez, Willson Infante Moreno.
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Facultad Tecnológica
Bogotá D.C, Colombia
Abstract — This article explains the development of a móviles mediante un desplazamiento controlado para así
cooperative robotic system, using three mobile platforms Lego simular una caravana o convoy, en el que cada integrante
Mindstorms nxt 2.0 as a convoy moving through an established realiza un recorrido de manera controlada. Este proyecto se
route. These robots have actuators that allow the displacement, fundamenta gracias a los avances realizados en el proyecto
measurement of their environment and transmission an infrared
SARTRE (Safe Roads Trains For The Environment) [2], el
signal that allows them to establish a wireless communication
according to the orders assigned by the first device that acts as cual busca generar un sistema eficiente de seguridad en las
the master of the system. The development of mobile robotic carreteras para mejorar la seguridad d
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