2004 informs continuous time discounted jump markov decision processes a discrete-event ap文档.pdf
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2004 informs continuous time discounted jump markov decision processes a discrete-event ap文档
Vol. 29, No. 3, August 2004, pp. 492–524 ®
issn 0364-765X eissn 1526-5471 04 2903 0492 doi 10.1287/moor.1040.0089
© 2004 INFORMS
Continuous Time Discounted Jump Markov Decision
Processes: A Discrete-Event Approach
Eugene A. Feinberg
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, SUNY at Stony Brook,
Stony Brook, New York 11794-3600, eugene.feinberg@sunysb.edu
This paper introduces and develops a new approach to the theory of continuous time jump Markov decision
processes (CTJMDP). This approach reduces discounted CTJMDPs to discounted semi-Markov decision processes
(SMDPs) and eventually to discrete-time Markov decision processes (MDPs). The reduction is based on the
equivalence of strategies that change actions between jumps and the randomized strategies that change actions only
at jump epochs. This holds both for one-criterion problems and for multiple-objective problems with constraints. In
particular, this paper introduces the theory for multiple-objective problems with expected total discounted rewards
and constraints. If a problem is feasible, there exist three types of optimal policies: (i) nonrandomized switching
stationary policies, (ii) randomized stationary policies for the CTJMDP, and (iii) randomized stationary policies
for the corresponding SMDP with exponentially distributed sojourn times, and these policies can be implemented
as randomized strategies in the CTJMDP.
Key words : continuous time jump Markov decision process; semi-Markov decision process
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