Unit 7 Two-day Travel Plan in Sydney中职公开课 英文配套教案.doc

Unit 7 Two-day Travel Plan in Sydney中职公开课 英文配套教案.doc

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Unit 7 Two-day Travel Plan in Sydney中职公开课 英文配套教案

Teaching Plan Unit 7 So much to do before we travel! Reading Section: Two-day Travel Plan in Sydney ● Teaching Aims: (教学目标) Knowledge aims: (知识目标) a. Let the students be able to read the names of the seven sight spots correctly. b. Get Ss to learn to the words and expressions on how to describe the travel . c. Train Ss to catch the key words or phrases in the reading. Ability aims: (能力目标 ) a.Encourage Ss to think and talk about the famous sight spots in Dongxiang county and Sydney. b.Enhance Ss’ reading ability and develop Ss’ ability and skills of skimming and scanning. c.Be able to write a brief one-day travel plan in Dongxiang county with the help of the two activities in the passage. Emotional aims: (情感目标 ) a. Improve Ss team spirit through group discussion and work with to finish certain tasks b. Cultivate Ss to be more active in both English learning and traveling. ● Teaching Key Points: (教学重点) Find out the seven sight spots and activities to do during the two days in Sydney. b. To improve Ss’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. c. Read the names of the seven sight spots in the passage correctly. ● Teaching Difficult Points: (教学难点) a. Enhance the students reading skills in the passage. b.How to lead the students to organize their words and express them. c. How to design a brief one-day travel plan in Dongxiang. ● Teaching Materials: (教学材料) Blackboard, multi-media, and other normal teaching tools. ● Teaching methods:(教学方法) Communicative approach Students-centered approach Activity-based teaching and learning ● Teaching Procedures: (教学过程) Step 1: Warming Up (热身) Task 1: Give a brief review of yesterday lesson, and invite my Ss to answer the following questions: “Do you like traveling?” “Which city have you ever been to? “ Task 2: later lead my Ss to see three famous sight spots and then invite Ss to tell it own name and the city. Purpose:Make Ss feel excited with the topic of travel and get ready for


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