Unit 7A Book II 新视野大学英语第二册课件.ppt

Unit 7A Book II 新视野大学英语第二册课件.ppt

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Unit 7A Book II 新视野大学英语第二册课件

Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life Unit 7 Section A I. Lead-in pictures II. New words and expressions III. Text structure analysis IV. Old to new V. Translation VI. Homework New words 1. overwhelm if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly be overwhelmed by sth --I was overwhelmed by a feeling of homesickness. be overwhelmed with sth --He was overwhelmed with grief at the news of his son’s death in an accident. 听到儿子在事故中丧生的消息, 他悲痛欲绝。? overwhelming 1 having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react: --an overwhelming sense of guilt 巨大的内疚感 2 very large or greater, more important etc than any other: -- An overwhelming majority of the members were against the proposal. 成员中压倒性的多数反对这个提议。 2. tense 1 a tense situation is one in which you feel very anxious and worried because of something bad that might happen [??tension] tense situation/atmosphere/moment etc -- He spoke, eager to break the tense silence. 2 feeling worried, uncomfortable, and unable to relax: -- The groom looks a little tense. 3 unable to relax your body or part of your body because your muscles feel tight: -- He tried to relax his tense muscles. tense v. also tense up to make your muscles tight and stiff, or to become tight and stiff: --Every time the phone rang, she tensed. 每次电话铃一响,她就紧张起来。 --Relax, and try not to tense up so much. 放松点,不要这么紧张。 3. excess a. 1 additional and not needed because there is already enough of something: --He went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight. 他开始节食以减肥。? --Driving with excess alcohol in the blood is a serious offence. 血液里酒精含量过高时驾驶是严重的违法行为。 excess n. 1 in excess of sth more than a particular amount: 增加幅度不会超过2%。 -- The increase will not be in excess of 2%. 2 do sth to excess --Drinking is OK as long as you dont do it to excess. 饮酒可以,但不能过量。 4. attribute v. attribute sth to sb/sth to


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