Unit 9 how was your weekend 第一课时公开课课件.ppt

Unit 9 how was your weekend 第一课时公开课课件.ppt

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Unit 9 how was your weekend 第一课时公开课课件

I have an English class. 插入1a,填在图上 听1b,填图 12-34-56 练习对话 听2a和 2 b,完成练习 Pair work Practice the conversation below. Use the information in the box. 做3c分组读对话,叫两组表演 You watched TV . You played ping-pong . Make a conversation played basketball saw a movie played computer games read books went to the beach did my homework cleaned the room studied math visited a friend watched TV have party stayed at home did some reading practiced English played basketball saw a movie played computer games read books went to the beach did my homework cleaned the room studied math visited a friend watched TV have a party stayed at home did some reading practiced English played basketball saw a movie played computer games read books went to the beach did my homework cleaned the room studied math visited a friend watched TV had a party stayed at home did some reading practiced English went go played play saw see studied study had have/has practiced practice did do/does watched watch were are cleaned clean was am/is visited visit Past Present Past Present Irregular verbs Regular verbs Grammar Focus _____ / played basketball see / _____ a movie _____ / played the guitar _____ / read books study / ________ for the math test visit / _______ my friend ______ / watched TV practice / _________ English _____ / had a party stay / _______ at home _____ / went to the beach _____ / did some reading do / _____ my project ______ / cleaned the room have watch read saw did stayed play do play practiced go visited clean studied ★ Fill in the blanks with right forms . did my homework Went to the beach went to the movies played tennis played soccer cleaned my room Saturday night Sunday afternoon Sunday night Sunday morning Saturday afternoon _________ _______ ____ _____ _____ E B C C E visit a friend go to the beach stay at home have a party do


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