
1介绍说明家乡my hometown.ppt

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1介绍说明家乡my hometown.ppt

Lesson one my hometown;1.Where are you from? 2.Where is your hometown? 3.What is your address?; How to introduce our hometown.;Hometown 家乡 ;;;6.它是一个大城市。 It is a very big city. 7.它是一个小城镇。 It’s a small town. ;9.我出生在一个非常美丽的地方,她的名字叫丽江。 I was born in a very beautiful place .It’s name is lijiang.;10. 你的家乡有多少人口? How many people live in your hometown? 11.我的家乡大约有900万人口。 There are about 9 million people in Harbin. (it’s a big / small city/town/village) ; Weather ;What’s the weather like today?;Sunny;;What is the weather like today? It’s sunny. How is the weather? It’s sunny.;;;rainy;;;cloudy;;;How is the weather ? It’s windy.;;;;snowy; foggy; A: What’s the weather like ? B:It’s…; There are four seasons(季节) in a year. ;It’s warm in spring.;12.你的家乡/你住的地方天气怎么样? What’s the weather like in your hometown? What’s the weather like where you live? 13.我的家乡冬天冷,夏天热。 It’s cold in winter and hot in summer. 14. 我的家乡总是很暖和。 It’s usually warm all year round.; 家乡的特色;15.你的家乡以什么而闻名? what is your hometown famous for? 16.我的家乡因美景而著名。 my hometown is famous for its beautiful scenery.; 17.我的家乡因历史悠久而闻名。 my hometown is famous for its long history. Eg. I’m from Luoyang, a beautiful city in Henan. It’s famous as the “ capital of nine dynasties” . 我来自美丽的九朝古都河南洛阳。 I’m from ------ a beautiful city in ------. It’s the “ capital of ------ dynasty” . ;eg. I come from Fuzhou, many celebrities were born here, for example, Linzexu, Yanfu, Xiebiingxin, and so on. 我来自徐州,很多名人都出生在这。比如林则徐, 严复,谢冰心,等等。 ;冰心?- 中国现代著名作家?编辑词条 谢婉莹(1900年10月5日—1999年2月28日),笔名冰心,取“一片冰心在玉壶”之意,近现代伟大的诗人、作家、翻译家、儿童文学家。福建长乐人,出生于福州一个海军军官家庭,被称为“世纪老人”。曾任中国民主促进会中央名誉主席,中国文联副主席,中国作家协会名誉主席、顾问,中国翻译工作者协会名誉理事等职。著有小说集《超人》,诗集《春水?》、《???星》,散文集《寄小读者》、《再寄小读者》、《三寄小读者》、《小桔灯》等,主张爱的哲学,“当代散文八大家”之一。 ;18.人们过着平静的生活。 People live a quite life。 19.在我的家乡,人民的生活节奏并不快/非常快. The pace of life in my hometown is not very fast/ very fast. ;eg.我来自美丽的海滨城市---连云港/日照. I come from a very beautiful coastal city---its name is Lianyungang / Rizhao.;20.我的家乡有


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