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浅论如何正确使用涡轮增压器中英文对照 Discussion on how to correctly use the turbocharger in Chinese and English. 随着汽车工业的飞速发展,汽车已逐渐走进到千家万户,在满足乘坐的舒适性、使用的经济性要求后,人们对于汽车的动力性的要求也逐步提高,在现有的技术条件下,给发动机加装涡轮增压器是最好的解决办法。一般情况下,加装增压器后,发动机的功率及扭矩要比加装前增大20%~30%。小排量,大功率,代表着当前发动机技术的最高水平。比普通发动机拥有更好的动力,也有更好的燃油经济性。 With the rapid development of automobile industry, the automobile has gradually entered into thousands of households, the ride comfort, economy of use requirements, people also gradually improved the cars request, under the conditions of the existing technology, to the engine with turbocharger is the best solution. Under normal circumstances, install the supercharger, engine power and torque than with increased 20%~30%. Small volume, high power, and represents the highest level of current engine technology. To have better power than the ordinary engine, also have better fuel economy. 什么是涡轮增压器?它是安装在发动机排气管道上的一台精致的空气压缩机,利用发动机排出的废气推动涡轮室内的涡轮旋转,涡轮又带动同轴的叶轮旋转,这样,叶轮就把从空气滤清器进来的空气进行压缩,使之增压进入汽缸。由于进入气缸的空气密度增大,可使更多的燃油充分燃烧,因而大大提高了发动机的功率,降低了燃油消耗。 由于该系统是利用发动机排出的废气驱动涡轮,所以涡轮增压器经常在高速、高温下工作,涡轮端的温度在600度以上,增压器也以每分钟8万-10万转的速度高速旋转。所以为了保证增压器的正常工作,就要正确使用和维护保养涡轮增压器。在使用的过程中应注意以下事项。 What is the turbocharger? It is installed in the engine exhaust pipe of a sophisticated air compressor, drive a turbine room of the turbine rotation by waste gas discharged by the engine, turbine driven by another coaxial impeller rotation, so, the impeller to compress the air cleaner air, so that pressurized into the cylinder. As the density of air into the cylinder increases, can fully burn more fuel, thus greatly increasing the power of the engine, reducing fuel consumption. Because the system is to use the engine emissions drive turbine turbocharger, so often in high speed, working under high temperature, turbine end temperature is above 600 degrees, superchargers also per minute to 80000 -10 000 rpm speed of high-speed rotation. So in order to ensure the normal work of the supercharger, it is necessary to correctly use and mainte


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