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淘宝网店顾客满意度提升策略研究 摘  要 现在网上购物已经作为一种新型的购物模式也应运而生,而且得到了很快的发展,其中以淘宝网的发展最为迅速,并且以“淘宝网” 为代表的C2C电子商务网站已经取得了快速的发展和质的飞跃。但是淘宝网店的顾客满意度却是一直以来困扰淘宝顾客的一个大问题。本文通过提出顾客满意度的涵义和淘宝网店顾客满意度的重要意义就一直困扰着广大淘宝顾客的淘宝网店顾客满意度进行了全面,系统的分析,并通过对问题的分析提出相应的解决措施。首先通过传统商业模式的顾客满意度的涵义入手对淘宝网店顾客满意度进行阐述,之后对淘宝网店商品质量、便利性、网络安全、售后服务、物流配送、网店建设等方面所存在的一些问题进行了分析和研究,并且针对这些问题提出了相应的可行解决方案和措施。 关键词:淘宝网店;顾客满意度;网上购物 The Strategy Enhancing Satisfaction Of Taobao Shop’s Customers ABSTRACK Online shopping has now as a new shopping patterns have emerged, but has been developed rapidly, which Taobaos most rapidly developing, and with Taobao as the representative of the C2C e-commerce site has achieved rapid development and qualitative leap. But Taobao shop is customer satisfaction has always been plagued by Taobao customers a big problem. This paper put forward the meaning of customer satisfaction and the importance of customer satisfaction Taobao shop has been plagued the majority of Taobao Taobao shop customer satisfaction conducted a comprehensive, systematic analysis, and analysis of issues raised by the corresponding solution measure. First, the traditional business model of customer satisfaction through the meaning of customer satisfaction start to elaborate on the Taobao shop, and then on the quality of goods Taobao shop, convenience, network security, service, logistics and distribution, shop construction and other aspects of the existence of Some problems are analyzed and studied, and address these issues the corresponding feasible solutions and measures. Key words:Taobao shop;Customer satisfaction;uy goods online ; 1 顾客满意度涵义及其理论基础 1 2 淘宝网顾客满意度的重要意义 2 3 淘宝网店顾客满意度的影响因素 3 3.1 网店建设因素 3 3.2 商品质量因素 3 3.3 商品描述因素 3 3.4 网络安全因素 3 3.5 物流配送因素 4 3.6 售后服务因素 4 4 淘宝网顾客满意度提升策略 5 4.1 注重网店设计 5 4.2 增强商品质量和管理 5 4.3 宝贝描述要真实详细 5 4.4 关注购物体验 6 4.5 提供具有竞争性的价格 6 4.6 完善物流配送 6 4.7 建立完善的顾客满意度评价体系 7 4.8 提高客服服务质量 7 参考文献 10 致谢 11 附录 12      随着互联网的迅速发展,网上购物已经作为一种新型的购物模式也应运而生,而且得到了很快的发展,其中以淘宝网的发展最为迅速,使用也最为普遍。据报告显示,2012年淘宝网上交易金额突破1万亿元人民币,2013年预计将会


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