高一英语人教版必修四 unit1 women of achievement(练习课件)_精品.ppt

高一英语人教版必修四 unit1 women of achievement(练习课件)_精品.ppt

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高一英语人教版必修四 unit1 women of achievement(练习课件)_精品

8. 我们抱怨生活中的一切是没有好处的。相 反,我们应该对一切保持积极的态度。 It is no good complaining about everything in our life. On the contrary, we should have a positive attitude towards everything. 9. 他的邻居看到一个陌生人进入他的家。 His neighbour observed a stranger go/ going into his house. * 10. 直到我看完这本书,我才意识到自己 很尊敬他,因为他是这方面的专家。 It was not until I read this book that I realized that I was respectful to/ towards him because he was a specialist in this field. * 市长报告中谈到的那位李明是一位妇科病专家。虽然他很著名,但却不会瞧不起我们这些年轻医生。相反,他很体谅我们。上周,我在图书馆偶然遇见他。我看见他在读一本如何接生、如何正确应对紧急情况的书。 我问他成名之后是否想尽量多赚钱。他说他对钱不感兴趣,因为赚钱对他来说不重要,他只想像平常人那样过平静的生活,并做些对他人有益的事情。他还说,只有我们满足于平常的生活时,我们才能成为金钱的主人并专注于我们的工作。 * Li Ming referred to in the mayor’s report is a specialist in women’s diseases. Being very famous, he never looks down on young doctors. Instead, he shows great kindness and consideration to us. Last week, I met him in the library by chance and saw him reading a book on how to deliver a baby safely and how to act properly in an emergency. When asked whether he wanted to earn a lot of money after he became famous, he said he cared little for money because earning money was not important to him and what he desires was to live a quiet life as ordinary people and do something beneficial to others. He added that only when we were content with a simple life could we become the master of money and focus on our work. * 市长报告中谈到的那位李明是一位妇科病专家。虽然他很著名,但却不会瞧不起我们这些年轻医生。相反,他很体谅我们。上周,我在图书馆偶然遇见他。我看见他在读一本如何接生、如何正确应对紧急情况的书。 我问他成名之后是否想尽量多赚钱。他说他对钱不感兴趣,因为赚钱对他来说不重要,他只想像平常人那样过平静的生活,并做些对他人有益的事情。他还说,只有我们满足于平常的生活时,我们才能成为金钱的主人并专注于我们的工作。 * 答案: Li Ming referred to in the mayors report is a specialist in womens diseases. Being very famous,he never looks down on young doctors. Instead,he shows great kindness and consideration to us. Last week,I met him in the library by chance and saw him reading a book on how to deliver a baby safely and how to act properly in an emergency. * When asked whether he wanted to earn a lot of m


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