Project Management 專案管理.ppt

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Project Management 專案管理

Project Management 專案管理 Project Control Mr. K.K. Chan PMP Chief Staff Officer / ENTD Project Management Process Groups Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring Controlling Closing Objectives of the Control Phase Identify potential problems timely Identify variance from the plan Corrective action Control changes Project Monitoring Controlling 整合管理: Monitor Control Project Work 整合管理: Integrated change control 範圍管理: Scope Verification 範圍管理: Scope Control 時間管理: Schedule Control 成本管理: Cost Control 質量管理: Perform Quality Control 人事管理: Manage Project Team 溝通管理: Performance Reporting 溝通管理: Manage Stakeholders 風險管理: Risk Monitoring and Control 採購管理: Contract Administration 整合管理: Monitor and Control Project Work Input 依 據: Project Management Plan Work performance information Rejected Change Request 整合管理: Monitor and Control Project Work Output 成 果: Recommended corrective actions Recommended Preventive actions Forecasts Recommended defect repair Change Request 整合管理: Integrated Change Control Input 依 據: Project Management Plan Change Request Work performance information Recommended Preventive actions Recommended corrective actions Deliverables 整合管理: Integrated Change Control Output 成 果: Approved change requests Rejected change requests Project management plan (updates) Project scope statement (updates) Approved corrective actions Approved preventive actions Deliverables 範圍管理: Scope Control Influencing the factors that create project scope changes Controlling the impact of those changes Manage the change when they occur 時間管理: Schedule Control Determining the current status Influencing the factors that create schedule changes Determining that the project schedule has changed Managing the actual changes as they occur Schedule Baseline Duration Estimating 工時估算:(最快 + 正常x4 + 保守)/ 6  如發覺難以估算時間,則需再行分解工作 Example: O: 6 days N: 10 days P: 17 days 工時估算 = (6+10x4+17)/6 = 10.5 days Technique of Project Time Management Scheduling: Tasks, their depe


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