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“The Car Tutorial” Part 2 “The Car Tutorial” Part 2 ““TThhee CCaarr TTuuttoorriiaall”” PPaarrtt 22 Creating a Racing Game for Unity 在Unity中创建赛车游戏 Part 2: Tweaking the Car 调整汽车 If you’ve followed along part 1 of this tutorial and assembled the car, you are already at a point where the car is pretty awesome. But if you have driven it around a bit, you will probably have noticed that there is after all room for some improvement. 如果你已经跟着教程的Part1部分学完并组装了汽车,那么在这个非常不错的汽车这里 你已经做好了准备,但如果你驾驶它已经开了一点,你将可能会注意到还有一些可以改 进的地方。 This is where tweaking enters the picture. In game development tweaking is a crucial part of making your game fun, challenging, awesome or whatever goal you have for your specific game. The idea is that when you have setup the nuts and bolts that makes your game run, there might be something that doesn’t feel quite right - maybe you want the car handling to be a bit different, maybe you want the top speed to be slightly different, or maybe you want to change the scene lights. 这是一个要调整进入的地方的图片,在游戏中,开发调整会使你的游戏更有趣,更具挑 战性,更棒或你想在游戏中实现任何目标的一个最关键部分。这个想法就是当你设置螺 栓和螺母使你的游戏能运行时,那里有一些东西你可能感觉不怎么正确-- 也许你想让 赛车的操控有一点不同,也许你希望的最高速度稍为有点不同,或者也许你只想改变场 景内的灯光。 A major strength of Unity is it’s tweakability - as you have seen, all the public variables in your scripts are shown in the inspector, so you can change values without going into the code. And even more powerful: When you’ve made a change you just hit play, and you will instantly see the result of that change. You never have to wait for the scene to be rebuilt or for a major recompile of the code. 一个Unity引擎的实力是它的可调整性--像你看到的那样,在你的脚本中所有的公共变 量在都显示在检查面板上,所以你能改变这些变量的值而不需要深入代码,并且更强大 的是:当你有了改变时你只需点击播放,你会立即看到这种变化的结果,你不用等待场 景被重构或等引擎重编译代码。 Center of Mass Center of Mass CCeenntteerr ooff MMaassss 质心 Now the most obvious thing that needs to be tweaked is probably that the car can very easily be flipped around wh


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