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: 1001- 2265( 2010) 08- 0042- 03 加工中心换刀机械手控制系统研究 张祺, 侯力, 刘松, 唐艳, 蒋维旭 (四川大学 制造科学与工程学院, 成都 610065) :换刀机械手是加工中心稳定可靠运行的关键功 部件以快速准确换刀为主要目标, 对立式加 工中心换刀机械手控制系统进行了深入研究在对机械手换刀过程详尽分析的基础之上, 设计了其电 气控制系统, 并提出了电气系统输入输出的保护实验结果表明: 相对于传统方法, 具有成本低, 控制精 确, 结构简单的特点 : 机械手; PL ; 软件设计; I/O保护 : TP273 : A S tudy of M ach in ing Cen ter A utom atic Tool Change C ontro l System ZHANG Q,i HOU Li, LIU Song, TANG Y an, JIANGW ei-xu ( Si huan University, School ofM anufacturing Science and Engineering hengdu, 610065, hina) Abstract: ATC is the key parts for the mach ining cen ter stab le and reliable operation, takes fast and accurate tool change as the main goal. In th is paper the in-depth study forVertical M ach in ing Cen ter contro l system ofATC has been don e. electric control system are presented and the protection of I O is provided based on the detai l analysis for the process of the tool changing. The resul ts of experiment show that the system had low cost, precise con trol and simp le structure comparing w ith tradi tional methods. K ey w ords: ATC; electric control; softw are design; I O protection 0 , , , PL , PL , , [ 1] 1 1 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 14. 2, 6, 12. 4, 11. 5. 8. 10. 15. 16. 17, 19. 1: , , 18, 20. 21. , , , , , , , 1 , : , , [ 1] 2 ; , , : , ( 1) 90: , 2 , 5, 5 4 : 2010- 02- 03 : ( 1986 ), , , , , ( E- mail) pzhuzq@ 126. com 42 20 10 8


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