高一英语人教版必修三课件 UnitAstronomy the science of the strars-reading.ppt

高一英语人教版必修三课件 UnitAstronomy the science of the strars-reading.ppt

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高一英语人教版必修三课件 UnitAstronomy the science of the strars-reading.ppt

* U4, B3 Astronomy: the science of the stars Using Language: Reading 2---A Visit to The Moon导学案 【学习目标】 1.掌握重点词汇和短语的意义及用法。 2.自主学习,合作探究,掌握文中的长难句。 3.能利用相关阅读技巧完成阅读任务。 4.拓展关于“宇宙”的相关英语背景知识。 【重点难点】 重点:提高阅读能力; 熟记重要词汇短语及其用法。 难点:长难句分析 * 【使用说明及学法指导】 1.先通读教材,完成表层理解题,在勾画出文中的疑难点,了解地球引力在航行过程中的三次变化。 2.了解一些重点单词及短语的用法. 3.掌握倍数的表达法 * A. Read and then describe the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Yanping and how his weight changed. 1)The pull of gravity became very ______ when she left the earth’s atmosphere. His weight is normal. 2)It _____________ when he was in space. He is __________ 3)It was very _______ when he was on the moon. He weighs ________ than on earth. strong disappeared weightless light less * Choose the best answers according to the text: 1. How many times did the force of gravity change during the journey? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times 2. When was the force of gravity largest during the journey? A. When they just left the earth. B. When they just arrived at the moon. C. When they were in the space. D. When they left the moon. C A * 3. Why did the writer fall over on the moon? A. Because he suffered from air sickness. B. Because the moon was very rough. C. Because he has got used to the moon’s gravity . D. Because the gravity on the moon differs from that on the earth. D * 4.Which of the following is wrong according to the passage? A. The gravity became very strong as the writer left the earth’s atmosphere. B. The writer floated in the spaceship when it was in space. C. Walking on the moon is impossible as the gravity has changed. D. The trip to the moon made the writer very tired. C * 5. When they gradually got close to the moon, __________. A. they felt the gravity was stronger and stronger B. they didn’t feel the gravity C. they watched the moon was smaller and smaller D. they watched the earth was larger and larger A * II.Translation. 1.当看到球队的到来,人群欢呼起。 _____


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