Bacon 培根简介.ppt

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Bacon 培根简介

1.2.5 台湾地区的认证要求 台湾“标准检验局”(BSMI)为了岛内电子、电机产品的电磁辐射干扰,于1995年5月公布《商品电磁兼容性管理办法》 并于1996年7月正式公告自1997年1月1日起管制复印机等产品的电磁兼容性能 之后陆续管制信息周边产品、家电与广播音响产品。 而“标准检验局”也依据CISPR与IEC的EMC标准,逐渐修订岛内相应标准CNS,例如CNS13438就是信息类产品的标准。 岛内申请厂商其产品符合了EMC要求后,便可以依检验单位提供的产品电磁兼容型式试验报告正本一份(含外观及内部结构照片) 并加附下列资料:中文使用手册及规格,登录号码(ID)标示位置及式样说明,电路方框图,对策元件及干扰源一览表。 再填具申请书后,向所在地检验机构申请,由检验机构核发检磁号码证书。 1.2.4 新西兰与澳大利亚的认证要求 新西兰与澳大利亚的电磁兼容管理主要是依据1992年公告的无线电波法(Radio Communication Act)。 该法于1996年1月1日生效,并于1997年1月1日起强制实施。 对信息技术设备产品需符合AS/NZS 3548电磁辐射干扰规定。 澳洲在EMC方面管制的架构与欧盟CE-Marking大致雷同,均采用自我认证的方式。 依产品标准执行且通过测试后,签署一自我宣告书(DOC)即可。 所不同的是宣告书必须由澳洲境内的进口商、供货商或制造商签署宣告。 另澳洲政府还要求每一澳洲本地的供货商或进口商必须向其执行单位ACA(Australian Communications Authority)登录。 按规定做成C-Tick标记,贴于产品适当位置。 * * Francis Bacon I Life experience Francis Bacon (1561-1626), a representative of the Renaissance in England, is a well-known philosopher, scientist and essayist. He lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge. Bacon had a fortunate heritage and background. He studied at Cambridge and Gray’s Inn, entered Parliament,and gradually established his reputation. But he was later accused of taking bribes in office. He admitted accepting presents and retired in disgrace. II Works Essays 《论说文》 The Advancement of Learning 《知识的进步》 Novum Organum 《新工具》 1. Essays 《论说文》 The first example of that genre in English literature; An important landmark in the development of English prose. 2. The Advancement of Learning《知识的进步》 A great book on education He divides knowledge into two kinds. One is the knowledge obtained from the Divine Revelation; the other is the knowledge from the workings of human mind. According to Bacon, man’s understanding consists of three parts: history to man’s memory, poetry to man’s imagination and creation, and philosophy to man’s reason. 3. Novum Organum 《新工具》 A successful treatise written in Latin on methodology. The argument is


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