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Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》 三国演义 罗贯中 曹 操 字 孟德 Caocao:Chinese eastern han dynasty last years renowned strategist, statesman and poet, the founder of wei sanguo era and the main creator, for WeiWang after. The mansion, chasing after son cao PI for WeiWuDi worships him. Cao cao life as soon as possible, for national unity in, in the north, caocao, water conservancy widely deplored the agricultural production and restore have certain effect; Secondly, he employing only just, ShiZu family idea, inhibit break the region dominated the very tight, social economic restoration and development. 中文名:曹操 别名:曹孟德,阿瞒,吉利 国籍:东汉 民族:汉族 出生地:沛国谯县(今安徽亳州) 出生日期:155年7月18日 逝世日期:220年3月15日 职业:军事家,政治家,诗人 主要成就:实行屯田制,统一北方 代表作品:《观沧海》、《龟虽寿》等 刘 备 字 德玄 Liubei :Resources county chohsien (now hebei zhu state), han zhongshan jing LiuSheng offspring, king of The Three Kingdoms period, politicians, the founding emperor in A.D. 221-223 years. Writings.finally zhao fierce emperor, temple, historian and fierce fathers guthrie said to him. 中文名:刘备 别名:先主 字:玄德 国籍:中国 民族:汉 出生日期:公元161年 逝世日期:公元223年 职业: 皇帝 主要成就:建立蜀汉 庙号:烈祖 谥号:昭烈皇帝 在位 :221年4月—223年6月10日 孙 权 字 仲谋 Sunquan: China art world the first 22 home sun wu TaiShou SunJian amariah the seed, changsha. Youth WuHou sun ce pacify jiangdong with brother, 200 years, sun quan2 ascended the premature death sun ce for JiangDongZhi Lord. A.d.208 years, sun quan2 and liu bei alliance, and yu chibi to beat cao cao, all three branches surface preliminary form. 219 years since liu2 bei4 hand won jingzhou sun wu, make the territorial area increase greatly. 222 years sun quan2 says duke, 229, formally established in the mansion of wu. 中文名:孙权 别名:仲谋 国籍:孙吴 民族:汉族 出生地:下邳 出生日期:182年 逝世日期:252年 职业:皇帝 主要成就:建立吴国,发展经济 谥号:大皇帝 尊号:东吴大帝 庙号:太祖 陵墓:蒋陵 Zhouyu is LuJiang shu county (now anhui province LuJiangXian southwest). The eastern han dynasty last years because of its religiosity cha, handsome and have ZhouLang, said. Zho


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