人教版(新目标)初中九年级Unit 4 What would you do 整体教学课件.ppt

人教版(新目标)初中九年级Unit 4 What would you do 整体教学课件.ppt

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人教版(新目标)初中九年级Unit 4 What would you do 整体教学课件

You would rather stay at home than go to a party. You like to stay at home. You don’t like to go to a party. 我宁愿看电视也不愿逛街。 I would rather watch TV than go shopping. 3a Personality survey results c If you answered _____ for most questions, then you are probably pretty confident. Social situations don’t bother you in the slightest. You know what you want, and you know how to get it. You might annoy people because you’re so confident. disturb at all Social situations don’t bother you in the slightest. It’s not good _______ others. to bother in the slightest I don’t like it _____________. 3b write your own personality survey. e.g: If a friend said something bad about you, would you…? a. Talk to the friend right away b. Say nothing c. Think about what she/he said 4 Groupwork. Ask and discuss. A: How many people would choose …? B:Two. And one would choose … Homework Copy the new words. Make sentences with them. Write a composition. Which is the best character? Why? Lesson five Self check charity shy medical research creative confident/outgoing /let…down energetic / knowledgeable A. very active and have a lot of energy B. be sure to do something successfully C. like to meet and talk to new people. D. disappoint sb. E. Knows a lot of things 1 Fill in each blank with the correct form. nervous shy tired terrible friendly come up with 1. I’m really . I’ve been studying all day. 2. I don’t like making speeches. I feel talking in front of many people. 3. If you were more to people, you would have more friends. 4. My stomach feels . I think I ate something bad at lunch time. 5. Paul is a bit at first, but when he knows you, he talks a lot. 6. I hope you can a better plan than this. 2 Read and write a reply. Dear Knowledgeable,


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