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Unit 3 PASSAGE A 100/0 As a teenager I had certain ideas in my mind that constituted the idyllic life of love and marriage. In Home Economics, our teacher had us plan the perfect wedding and the perfect reception, right down to the throwing of rice and driving away in an expensive car. It was just like the movies where the nice guy gets the beautiful girl and they live happily ever after. Reality was not a part of the picture. 少年时期,我曾经构 想田 园诗般的美好爱 情和婚 姻。家 政课上,老师让我们设计自己完美的 婚礼和酒会,一直到撒 大米(一种婚 礼习俗),开着昂 贵的汽车离开。就像电影里俊男美 女从此以后幸福地生活在一起。然而现实 并不是 童话。 After high school, I went to college and was determined to become a nurse. I forgot about marriage. I could put that on hold since I was going to help people and travel. Surprisingly, two years later I met the man I would marry. It’s often said, “Opposites attract.” This was really true about us. 高中毕业后,我进入了大学并立 志要当一名护 士。我渐渐忘记了当初对于婚姻的憧 憬。自从我决定要去帮助 人们,决定去旅行后,便把结婚 这事给 搁 置了。然而出乎意料的是,两年后我遇 到了我能 够结 婚 的男人。人们常说“异性相吸那 说的就是我们。 He was from a small town in Idaho and farmed with his father. I was from a Southern town, which had a greater population than the entire state of Idaho. I had always been emphatic that I didn’t know whom I would marry, but one thing was for sure –he would not be a farmer or a dairyman! Well, I was wrong in both cases. He was not only a farmer but a dairyman as well. 他来自爱 达荷州的一个小城镇,他和他父亲经 营 着农场。而我来自南方的一个城 镇,这个城 镇的人口比整个爱达荷州的人口还要 多得多。我曾经一再 强调不知道会 和谁结婚,但有一点可以确定是的,对方绝不 会是一个 农民或奶牛场老板!好吧,我承认预计错了。他不仅是个农民,而且是个奶牛场老板。 We were married in October just prior to the beginning of heavy snowfalls. It would snow heavily throughout the whole winter. Our only entertainment was listening to the radio or the local high school sporting events. My new husband was a lover of sports. He had been a world –class boxer and also participated in most sports. I was a lover of the arts. Speech, drama and dance were my first love. The nearest town with this kind of entertainment was forty miles away and the highway was closed off during much of the w


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