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学科考试论文 题 目: 公务员制度改革与发展 院 (系): 管理学院 专业班级: 10级辅行政管理 ? ?公务员制度改革与发展 【摘要】新中国成立至九十年代中期我国的干部人事制度,顺应了当时的历史条件和历史环境,对巩固新生的国家政权,恢复国民经济,开展大规模的经济建设起到了积极的促进作用。随着国家各项事业的推进,这一制度的弊端日益暴露。特别是改革开放后,经济的飞速发展和经济体制的重大改革,原来的干部人事制度成为我国经济和社会发展的绊脚石。在这种背景下,党和政府遵循邓小平人事改革思想,自八十年代开始进行人事改革,为中国公务员制度的诞生和发展作了漫长的探索,积累了大量的经验。1993年8月14日,国务院签署颁发了《国家公务员暂行条例》,标志着符合中国国情的公务员制度诞生。 公务员是国家行政与管理的主要执行者,可以说他控制着国家的统筹大局,建立公务员制度实现了人事管理的科学化和法制化,以确保国家行政机关工作人员队伍的优化廉洁,提高行政效能,更好的完成公务使命。但我国公务员制度现在还存在着许多比如立法和体制方面的缺陷,所以还应研究对策、采取措施,继续改革与完善国家公务员制度。? 【关键词】:公务员制度??建立??改革与完善? 发展 【 Summary 】 new China establishes to the 90's the middle our country of staff the personnel system, adjusted the then history condition and the history environments, opened the large-scale economic construction of exhibition to rise to promote the function actively towards the national political power that make stronger the freshman, the instauration national economy,. Along with national various propulsions of businesses, the irregularity of this system exposes increasingly. After reforming to open especially, the fly of economy develops soon and the important reform of the economic system, original staff the personnel system becomes the country stumbling block of the economic and social development. Under this kind of background, the party and governments follow Deng Xiaoping the personnel reform thought, start carry on the personnel reform from 80's, for the Chinese public official the institutional naissance and developments made the endless quest, backlog a great deal of experience. On August 14 in 1993, State Department signed to distribute 《 temporary regulation of national public official 》 , the public official system that symbolizes to match the Chinese state of the nation bear. Since 15years, public official's system expands gradually with the country market economy and the development of the political setups and perfect. This text try in tallying up the past personal management


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