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Situational Leadership 情景领导 Course Objective 章节目标 By the end of this session you will be able to 在本章节结束时,您将能够: STATE what followers expect of leaders and why 陈述员工的期望是什么以及为什么 ? EXPLAIN the principles of Situational Leadership and APPLY them to hotel case studies 解释情景领导的原则并在酒店案例分析中运用此技巧 RELATE the learning to their own work relationships and plan for improvement 把课程所学联系到学员工作关系中并计划提高 EXERCISE 练习 1. Individually think of the best boss you have had and write down their best qualities?每个人回忆自己经历过的最好的老板,写下他们的最佳特质。 2. Discuss your lists with your group and decide upon 5 common characteristics就列出的清单与小组进行讨论,确定五个普遍的特点 3. Draw an animal which represents these qualities (may be fictitious) 勾画出一只具备了这些特质的动物 ? 4. Elect a presenter to explain your animal“ 选出代表来解释你们所勾画的“动物” KEY CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 高效领导者应具备的主要特征 Honesty 诚实正直 Competence 具有能力 Forward-Looking 高瞻远瞩 Inspiration 充满激情 Credibility 值得信任 DIRECTING LEADERSHIP The Leader 指挥型领导风格? ? Demonstrates 示范 Explains how 解释方法 ? Sets goals 设定目标 Organises the work in advance 提前安排计划工作 ? Structures 构架 Controls 控制 ? Supervises closely 紧密督导管理 Evaluate评估 COACHING LEADERSHIP The Leader 指导型领导风格 DIRECTS指挥 Demonstrates 示范证明 Explains how 解释说明 Sets goals 设定目标 Organises the work in advance 提前计划工作 Structures 工作结构 Controls 工作控制 Supervises closely 密切监督 Evaluates 工作评估 AND SUPPORTS并支持 Praises 表扬 Explains why 解释说明 Asks for opinions 询问观点 Listens 倾听 Encourages 鼓励 Reassures 给予信心 SUPPORTING LEADERSHIP The Leader 支持型领导风格 DELEGATING LEADERSHIP The Leader 授权型领导风格 Shares responsibility for goal setting 共同分享目标设定的责任 Allows the follower to evaluate his/her performance让员工参与评估他/她自己的表现 Is available but does not interfere 随时提供帮助但不干涉 Provides information and resources 提供信息与资源 Provides appropriate rew


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