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《托马斯微积分》 第11版 (附带习题答案)_部分3
5.1 Estimating with Finite Sums 335
Pollution Control a. Assuming a 30-day month and that new scrubbers allow only
0.05 ton day released, give an upper estimate of the total
19. Water pollution Oil is leaking out of a tanker damaged at sea.
tonnage of pollutants released by the end of June. What is a
The damage to the tanker is worsening as evidenced by the in-
lower estimate?
creased leakage each hour, recorded in the following table.
b. In the best case, approximately when will a total of 125 tons
Time (h) 0 1 2 3 4 of pollutants have been released into the atmosphere?
Leakage (gal h) 50 70 97 136 190
Area of a Circle
Time (h) 5 6 7 8 21. Inscribe a regular n-sided polygon inside a circle of radius 1 and
compute the area of the polygon for the following values of n:
Leakage (galh) 265 369 516 720
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