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个人简历英文版范文 医生

个人简历英文版范文 医生   一个岗位可能会收到数十封甚至上百封简历,导致HR查看简历的时间相当有限。因此,建议求职者的简历要简单而又有力度,大多数岗位简历的篇幅最好不超过两页,尽量写成一页(技术相关工作岗位可写成两至三页)。   个人简历英文版范文医生篇一      Female, 25,   Education: college   Working fixed number of year: 2-3 years   Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan   Working location: foshan - the city of zen   Objective: physicians | | hospital of specialized subject doctor management | pediatrician | public health/disease control   Work experience (work for 2 years. 3 months, do 2 job)   Zhongshan city in southern China wide to the hospital   Working hours: between April and June [two months]   Job title: internal medicine residents   Work content: responsible for ward new patients, case report on the doctor’s advice, etc   Foshan nanhai lion mountain holley hospital   Working hours: between December and January [1] 2 years   Job title: a medical doctor   Job content: responsible for the daily medical palpation, auscultation, electrocardiogram inspection, etc   Education experience   Graduated in June Guangzhou medical college of clinical medicine   个人简历英文版范文医生篇二      Male, 55, The people of hunan   Education: bachelor degree   Working fixed number of year: more than 10 years   Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan   Working location: foshan - there is no limit   Objective: a specialist   Work experience (work for 11 years, 11 months, did the 1 job)   No hospital   Working hours: between January 1999 and December 1999, 11 months] [11 years   Job title: attending physician   Work content: according to the actual hospital, visit between various departments, especially to combine traditional Chinese and western medicine has a certain practical experience,   Education experience   Graduated in July 1985 Hunan medical university clinical 1


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