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2018年外研版高三英语春季课程 第10讲:高三二轮复习--完形填空的解题技巧及训练+非谓语动词的复习(1)(120分钟) 一.课程介绍 知识点 1.归纳讲解完形填空的解题技巧(1)---记叙文 2.重点语法: 非谓语动词的复习(1)---非谓语动词与谓语动词的辨析 教学重点 1.掌握并运用好记叙文体完形填空的解题技巧 2.准确辨析及正确使用非谓语动词 教学难点 完形填空中高频词语的掌握 二.要点回顾 I.填空 1.The famous musician, as well as his students, ____(invite)to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo. 2.Generally, students’ inner motivation with high expectations from others ______ (be)essential to their development. 3.The university estimates that living expenses for international students ________ (be)around $8,450 a year, which ________ (be)a burden for some of them. 4.Books of this kind (sell)well. 5.Three fifths of the cattle (sell)abroad in the city every year. 【答案】1.was invited 【解析】本题考查主谓一致。[根据句意:这个著名的音乐家和他的学生被邀请在2012年的台北花展上演出。主语是The famous musician,尽管后面跟有介词或介词词组作附属修饰语,谓语动词仍用单数形式。2012 Taipei Flower Expo是一个过去的时间,故用 was invited 【答案】2.is 【解析】本题考查主谓一致用法。根据意思:一般说来,他人对其期望值高的学生的内在动机对自身的发展是至关重要的。 主语为students’ inner motivation ,介词短语with high expectations from others不影响主语,所以谓语用单数,现在时用is 【答案】3.are;is 【解析】考查主谓一致。主语是the living expenses ,谓语动词要选are,;which在从句中从当主语指代$8450 a year,所以用is。 【答案】4.sell 【解析】本句的主语是books(of this kind是介词短语不影响主语),这样谓语用复数形式;根据句意及sell的用法,本句用主动语态,表示“卖得好” 【答案】5.are sold 【解析】考查主谓一致。当分数做主语时谓语的使用要看前面的名词。cattle属于表示总称意义的词,复数含义 II.阅读理解 (2015全国II卷)A My color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of clothes that wouldn’t fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautiful when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations?signed off?for the night. Fortunately, I didn’t get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed. Then I started developing a problem wi


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