人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 1 Women of achievemen reading(共51张PPT).ppt

人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 1 Women of achievemen reading(共51张PPT).ppt

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人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 1 Women of achievemen reading(共51张PPT)

* What do these great women have in common? 1. Work hard at their chosen careers. 2. Stick to their idea without any withdrawal 3. Overcome all sorts of difficulties 4. Give up things like families or life to achieve their ambition 5.Make great contributions to the society After a glance at the title, what do you think the passage is about? Who ? What? where? 1934 April.3 born in England In childhood spent much time outdoors exploring various creatures At 17 decided to go to Africa For 40 years has been doing research in Gombe, In 1965 received her Ph.D In 2002 honoured as a peace fighter by the UN Introduction of Jane Goodall What is she doing? Where are the photos taken? Gombe National Park in East Africa (Tanzania) 坦桑尼亚 1.Who is the protector? 2.What animals are observed? Skim and answer the questions: Jane Goodall chimps 3.What did our group do in Gombe National Park? (para1) 4. What has Jane Godall been doing in the forest? (para2) 5.What’s the purpose of her study? (para3) Observe the chimps in the forest. Observing and recording their daily activities. To understand and respect the lives of chimps The whole day watching a family of chimps wake up wander off into the forest Come into mother’s chimp arms,go to sleep together in their nest for the night The first paragraph Careful reading The mother chimp and her babies play in the tree feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family most of the time first activity then evening 2.40 years’ work on observing chimps by Jane goodall 1.A day in Gombe National Park by our group Hard ,tiring , time-consuming Determined, devoted, brave, with great love, and sympathy, Outline of the text What’s our work like? The first thing The second thing The third thing She discovered that chim


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