高一英语《A taste of English》课件3.ppt

高一英语《A taste of English》课件3.ppt

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Point  direct (1)vt. vi. 导演;指示;指挥 direct…at/towards sb./sth. 把……指向某人/事 direct sb.to a place 指引某人到某处 direct sb.to do sth. 指示/命令某人做某事 direct(that)sb./sth.(should)do/be done 指示/命令某人做/某事被做 单句语法填空。 (1)Their thought and action have played a great role in _________(direct) human events to right values. 解析:句意:他们的思想和行为在指引人类大事件到正确的价值观上扮演着重要的地位。 (2)With Jack __________(direct) me, I had no difficulty in finding the manager’s house. 解析:句意:有了杰克给我引路,我毫不费力地找到了经理的家。 directing directing 单句改错。 (3)Our university was founded in October 1951 and is a key institution of higher learning direct under the Ministry of Education. 解析:句意:我们大学始建于1951年十月,是教育部管辖的重点高等学府。 directly Point  particular (1)adj.特别的;特殊的;挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 be particular about/over sth. 对……挑剔/讲究 in particular=particularly 尤其;特别 particularly adv.尤其;特别地;特殊地 ⑤Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behaviour. 尤其是孩子们看到他的行为会大笑不止。 单句语法填空。 (1)If you really want something ____ particular, keep taking action and refuse the alternatives until you get it! 解析:句意:如果你真的特别想要什么东西,保持你的行动并且拒绝替代品,直到你得到它。 (2)______________(particular) about food left him in lack of nutrition and he was weaker and weaker. (3)We are ____________(particular) grateful to him for his timely help. 解析:句意:我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。 in Being particular particularly 考点二 短语诠释 up to now = so far/by now/until now到目前为止(通常与现在完成时连用) ①As Victor Hugo once said,“Laugher is the sun that drives winter from the human face”,and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.(教材P18) 正如维克多·雨果曾说过的,“笑声是驱逐人们面孔上的冬天的一轮太阳”,直到现在在这方面也没人能够比查理·卓别林做得更好。 ②So far the work has been easy but things may change. 到目前为止,这工作很容易,但情况可能有变化。 单句语法填空。 (1)Up to now, great changes______________(take) place in our hometown and people are enjoying a good policy. 解析:句意:到目前为止,我们家乡已经发生了巨大的变化,人们正在享受着好政策带来的好处。 单句改错。 (2)─How is your math teacher all these days? ─I’ve no idea. But it is said that up to now he recovered from his serious illness. have taken ∧ has badly off的比较级:wors


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