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Dolly is together with her mother. In 1998: A series of things were cloned. The scientists in Hawaii University cloned over 50 mice. Some private institutions (协会) successfully cloned little oxen. Nowadays: ☆ Cloned dogs, mice, rabbits, goats, oxen, pigs appeared. ☆ China became the seventh country that has the ability to clone pigs. ☆ China has succeeded in using embryonic (胚 胎的) cells to clone many animals. 1 Clone can be from both natural clone and man-made clone. 2 The sheep, named Kitty was the first successful clone of a mammal. 3 Only strawberries and cactuses (仙人掌) are natural clones. 4 Since Dolly, researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including cats, rabbits and horses. A parent can clone a child who is dying of a terminal illness (不治之症). T or F According to what we’ve learned, in pairs discuss what you understand about cloning. Then list the questions you want to find out. Share your lists with one another. Questions about cloning 1. How is a clone produced? 2. What benefits can humans gain from cloning? 3. What problems may arise when humans are cloned? 1. How is a clone produced? The cloning of plants is simple and relatively easy. It can be done by taking cuttings (man-made cloning) or letting the plant produce its own runners (natural cloning). The cloning of animals is more complicated. It was not achieved until 1996. 2. What benefits can humans gain from cloning? 1) Medical cloning can help cure serious illnesses that ruin one’s quality of life (such as Parkinson’s disease 帕金森氏症 or Alzheimer’s disease 阿尔茨海默氏症). 2) It can help infertile people have babies. 3. What problems may arise when humans are cloned? 1) People may want to clone themselves so they can live forever. 2) People may want to clone dead children. 3) People may want to clone their favourite pets. A B A: I think cloning is good for us. Because … B: I think cloning is bad for us. Because … Is cloning good or bad f



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