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Consolidate the key points by exercise: burn down, take an active part in, include, fall on decorate with , It’s said that 1.Many students have passed the exam, _________Tom and Jim 2.It’s good for the old people to __________________ social activities. 3.Christmas _________________Saturday this year. 4.The building _____________ and only ashes (灰)were left. 5.The shops were _____________ flowers. 6.___________________he has been to Beijing. including take an active part in falls on/upon was burned down decorated with It’s said that 7. They stole everything in my purse, ______ my credit card. including 8. Tom ___________ his room with some photos of sports stars. has decorated Read again and answer the following questions 1.What are the traditional moon cakes made with? 2.How can you describe the lanterns in the past? 3.Who hold dragon boat races in the old days? Traditional moon cakes are made with bean paste. In the past, lanterns were lit by candles and decorated with pictures of birds, animals and flowers. In the old days, dragon boat races were only organized by Chinese people. are lit are made with are decorated with light make…with decorate…with Do Exercises 5,6 on Page37 被动语态 be + done 一般现在时 am / is / are done 一般过去时 was / were done 含情态动词 情态动词 + be done 一般将来时 will be done 现在完成时 have/has been done 过去完成时 had been done 现在进行时 am/is/are being + done 过去进行时 was/were being done 过去将来时 would be done 注意: 在see, watch, hear, notice, listen to, look at, make, feel等动词后 作宾语补足语的动词不定式都不带 to, 即 see sb do sth 但改成被动语态后要还原to We often hear him play the guitar. →He is often heard to play the guitar. His mother makes him clean the room every day. →He is made to clean the room every day. 1. The picture looks beautiful . 感官系动词一般用主动形式表示被动意义, 如:feel,look, seem, taste, sound, remain, turn out ,smell等。 The flowers look beautiful The r



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