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* 单元影视 Jurassic Park is a 1993 American science fiction action film directed by Steven Spielberg and the first of the Jurassic Park franchise. It is based on the 1990 novel of the same name by Michael Crichton, with a screenplay written by Crichton and David Koepp. The film follows two dinosaur experts — Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler — as they are invited by eccentric (古怪的) millionaire John Hammond to visit his new amusement park on an island off Costa Rica. By cloning DNA harvested from pre-historic insects, Hammond has been able to create living dinosaurs for his new Jurassic Park, an immense (巨大的) animal preserve housing real dinosaurs. Accompanied by cynical scientist Ian Malcolm, who is obsessed with chaos theory, and Hammond’s two grandchildren, they are sent on a tour through Hammond’s new resort (度假胜地) in computer controlled touring cars. But as a tropical storm (热带风暴) hits the island, knocking out the power supply, and an unscrupulous (不讲道德的) employee sabotages (破坏) the system so that he can smuggle (偷带) dinosaur embryos (胚胎) out of the park, the dinosaurs start to get out of control. Grant then has to bring Hammond’s grandchildren back to safety as the group is pursued (追赶) by the gigantic man-eating beasts. Grant finds evidence proving that the dinosaurs have been breeding (繁殖), even though the park scientists have claimed the dinosaurs were engineered to all be female. By the time they get back to the lodge, the power has gone down again while some dinosaurs are free on the island. They then surround the lodge. Since everyone who knows how to use computer system is now dead, Tim, then calls the supply ship, which is about to dock in Costa Rica, and Gennaro commands the ship to turn around. Finally, the Costa Rican National Guard show up, take everyone away, and blow up the island. Audio Visual Listening for details — Well, now, why dont you all sit down? Uh, Donald, sit down, sit down. Ah, here. Here he ______. Well, here I com



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