高一英语《Great Scientists》课件1.ppt

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1.invent v. 1)发明;创造 Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 贝尔在1876年发明了电话。 2)虚构;杜撰 The whole story was invented. 整个故事是虚构的。 知识拓展 1)invention n. 发明[U];发明物[C] The telephone is a wonderful invention. 电话是一件很奇特的发明。 2)inventor n. 发明家;发明人 辨析:discover与invent 这组词都有“发现”;“发明创造”的意思。其区别为: 1)discover有两层意思: (1)发现(某地、某事);指发现或偶然发现原来就存在但一直未被认识的东西。 People finally discovered that the world is round. 最终人们发现地球是圆的。 (2)认识到;发觉(某事物);了解到 We discovered that our luggage had been stolen. 我们发觉行李被偷了。 2)invent指发明原来不存在的东西,有时也可指“虚构”;“捏造”。 The gunpowder was invented in China nine hundred years ago. 中国人900年前发明了火药。 即学即用 The person who________the telephone changed the world. A.discovered       B.found C.finds D.invented 答案:D 2.force n.力;力量;力气;暴力;武力;(法律;方法的)效力;压力 forces 军队;部队;vt. 强迫;迫使 We shouldnt go against the forces of nature. 我们不能违背自然的力量。 知识拓展 the force of character 人格的力量 the armed forces of a country 一国之武装部队 by force 凭借武力;强迫地 come/go into force 开始生效 put...into force 使……生效;实施法律等 (be)in force 实施中 force sb. to do/sb. be forced to do 迫使某人干……/某人被迫干…… force sth. on... 把……强加于…… force sb. into doing(=force sb. to do) 强迫某人干…… force ones way through/into 强行通过/进入 ①Marx was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons. 由于政治原因,马克思被迫离开了祖国。 ②You should not force your opinion on others. 你不应该把自己的见解强加给别人。 ③The boss forced his workers into working day and night. 老板迫使他的工人日日夜夜地工作。 ④They forced the door open.(=The door was forced open.) 他们用力打开了门。 ⑤They forced their way through/into the crowd. 他们强行穿过/进入人群。 高考直击 (1)(2007·福建)—You are always full of________. Can you tell me the secret? —Taking plenty of exercise every day. A.power B.strength C.force D.energy 解析:be full of energy“充满活力”。 答案:D (2)(2009·江西)The government plans to bring in new laws ________ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children. A. forced B. forcing C. to be forced D. having forced 解析:考查了现在分词作定语。law与force是主动关系,并且不强调动作的完成。故应用doing形式。 答案:B 即学即用 He is always full of________. A.energy B.force C.power D.energeti


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