高一英语《Great Scientists》课件2.ppt

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1.leading adj. 最重要的;最成功的 She was offered the leading role in the new TV series. 她应邀在那部新的电视连续剧中担任主角。 知识拓展 1)同义词:chief; prime 2)lead to 导致;通向 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 He passed Tom and took the lead. 他超过了汤姆取得了领先地位。 高考直击 (2007·浙江)We finally believe that war never settles anything. It only________viloence. A.runs into        B.comes from C.leads to D.begins with 解析:短语辨析。lead to “导致”;run into “突然……”;come from “来自……”;begin with “以……开始”。 答案:C 即学即用 (2009·大连模拟)They found the place with the boy________the way. A.lead     B.led     C.leading     D.to lead 答案:C 2.figure n. 1)人像;画像 The central figure in the painting is the artists daughter. 画中间的那个人是画家的女儿。 2)外形;轮廓;隐约的人影 I could see a tall figure near the door. 我可以看见门附近有一个高大的人影。 3)体态 What a fine figure of a man! 一个身材多好的男人! 4)名流;名人 He is a great figure in history. 他是历史上的伟大人物。 5)数字 Write the number in words and in figures. 用文字和阿拉伯数字写出这个数。 知识拓展 1)figure sth. in将某物包括在内;计算在内 Have you figured in the cost of food for our holiday? 你把咱们度假的食物费用计算进去了吗? 2)figure sth./sb. out 理解某人/某事物;弄明白;演算出;计算出 Ive never been able to figure him out. 我一直不能理解他。 高考直击 (2008·湖北)The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to________its reality. A.make up B.figure out C.look through D.put off 解析:考查动词短语意义辨析。make up“编造;组成”;figure out“弄明白;弄清楚”;look through“浏览”;put off“推迟”。根据句意“当前形势非常复杂,因此我认为要弄明白实际情况要花费一段时间。”可知figure out正确。 答案:B 即学即用 The twins resemble very much in appearance. We couldnt________them out. A.figure B.carry C.spot D.turn 答案:A 3.species n.(植物或动物的)种;种类或类型 ①There are more than 250 species of shark. 鲨鱼有250多种。 ②No species of performing artist is as self-critical as a dancer. 所有艺术家的类型中,没有像舞蹈家那样严格地自我要求了。 注意:species单复数同形。 即学即用 蛇有许多种:______________________。 答案:There are many species of snake(s). 4.type n. 1)类型;种类 It is the first car of its type to have this design feature. 这是同类型汽车中首部具备这种设计特点的汽车。 2)典型;具有某种特征的人 Hes not the type to be unfaithful. 他不是背信弃义的人。 3)文字;字体;活字 The type is too small for me to read. 这种印刷文


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