高一英语《plant World》课件8.ppt

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Writing 介绍一个地方,属于说明文范畴。 要写此类文章,要注意以下几点: 内容:要写出该地方的名称、位置、面积、人口、交通、环境、历史、景观以及该地方的独特之处,即事物的个性特征。 2. 合理安排好写作顺序,先写什么,后写什么。 3.方法:根据不同的需要采用不同的说明方法,如:描述说明、数字说明、举例说明、注释说明、分析说明等。 4.语言:此类文章的特点是:事实正确、表达清晰、条理清楚、层次分明、语言简练、用词准确。 5. 时态:通常用一般现在时,由于强调客观事实,所以常使用被动语态。 1) for example, in rush hours, makemore famous, welcome to, used to do 2) It lies in, It is situated in. It covers an area of . It has a population of. Mary parks can be found there. 根据以下提示写一篇短文,介绍你 家乡城市 — 北京。 提示: 1.位于中国东北部,中国的首都; 2.面积不太大,学校、公园等到处可见; 3.交通繁忙,街上有很多外国人; 4.举办过2008年奥运会; 5.欢迎到北京来。 My hometown is Beijing, the capital city of China. It lies in the northeast of China, and the Great Wall lies in the north of Beijing. It covers a small area but many important schools and famous parks can be found there. For example, Peking University, and the Summer Palace. The transportation there is very busy especially in rush hours, for there are too many cars and people. In the streets of Beijing, you can see foreigners from different countries. Beijing has held the 2008 Olympic Games. I think this has made Beijing more famous in the world. I hope and I believe that the tomorrow of Beijing will be more wonderful. Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to our hometown! * Writing: writing a passage to introduce a place Where I have been to is a place… If you want to know about a place, what information do you usually want do get? location status places of interest products transportation population Would you like to introduce your school to us? Now read the passage describing Cardiff on page 11 and find out how to introduce a place. Fill in the following chart with the information from the above passage. Location: Status: Famous places: on the southeast coast of Wales capital and largest city in Wales, the principalitys main economic, industrial and cultural center Cathays Park, Civic Cencer including the Law Courts, the National


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