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* What kind of music do you like? Key words: blues classical jazz rock ‘n’ roll pop folk Pre-reading Tell the class the famous musicians you like and the music they play. zxxk a famous Chinese musician one of the most successful young pianist in the world z.xxk combine classical music folk music Kong Xiangdong Preparation pianist musician talent identity appearance shave transform rediscover Rhythm Clap Experiment Pioneer Moscow’s Tchaikovsky [t?aik?fski] International Competition She has a talent for drawing. There was a lack of local talent , so they hire an actor from London to take the main part. Zx.xk A talented musician, a talented pianist Word bank When he arrived his concert last week, he had shaved off all his hair! cut 2.He felt he had lost his identity , but I didn’t think he had lost his personality. 1. The police asked him to show his identity card. zx.xk Success and wealth transformed his character. Zxx.k She changed the old kitchen into a beautiful one. 讨论内容 要求 导学案 小组内先一对一, 然后组内合作讨论. 2. 组长调控好,确保每层的学生都能最大限度解决问题,保证高效完成。Zx..xk 3. 组长选好展示代表 积极参与,做最主动,最好学的人! II. 合作探究 主动质疑5’ Show Time 内容 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4、5 小组 G8 G7 G6 G5 点评小组 G1 G2 G3 G4 Kong goes for folk! What does the title mean? Think about it. Reading Kong goes for folk! What does the title mean? A. Kong likes folk music wildly. B. Kong never plays folk music. C. Kong becomes a folk musician. What is the article about? A. Kong xiangdong’s music B. His growth and success C. His experiment in music Task one: Skim the text and match the main idea Para 1 a. Kong’s great success Para 2 b. a brief introduction to Kong Para 3 c. Kong’s preparation for the new experiment Para 4 d. the reason for Kong’s experiment Para 5 e. Kong’s childhood and his achievement Task two


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